A northeastern Indiana coroner has identified a woman who was fatally shot by a Fort Wayne officer after police said she tried to run him over with a car.

Dachena Warren-Hill, 20, of Fort Wayne died from multiple gunshot wounds Sunday as a result of a “police action shooting,” Allen County Coroner Dr. E. Jon Brandenberger said Monday in a statement, news outlets reported.


Her fatal shooting remains under investigation by the Fort Wayne Police Department, Indiana State Police, the Allen County prosecutor’s office and the coroner’s office.

Fort Wayne police have said officers responded around noon Sunday to a report about a fight near an intersection on the southwest side of the city about 120 miles northeast of Indianapolis.

Police said in a news release that a caller said several people were fighting, a gold car was repeatedly “banging into a house” and someone had been hit by that car.

When the motorist tried to run over one of the responding officers with the car, he fired his weapon at the driver later identified as Warren-Hill, striking her, police said.

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