Month: November 2023

Daniel Whyte III says Albert Tate should prayerfully consider doing the church, himself, and his family a favor by resigning and turning the church over to the wise man who preached the short sermon at the end of the tape in this article. The day is over for preachers full of Charisma and not full of the Holy Ghost of God. The gift of Charisma is not a gift of the Spirit and was not a qualification of leadership in the early church. From the tragic story you will see, hear, and read below, obviously, this is a young man, who may be smart but is out of control and undisciplined. Seriously, Tate needs to sit under somebody like Dr. Tony Evans, Sr., and Dr. John MacArthur, Jr., for about a year or two if they would have him, get healed himself and let his wife and family heal. Whyte believes Tate should be restored, but not in Monrovia, California. The church board needs to stop worrying about losing money and members and do the right thing for the Glory of God.

Daniel Whyte III says Albert Tate should prayerfully consider doing the church, himself, and his family a favor by resigning and turning the church over to the wise man who…

Daniel Whyte III tells his children thank you for making sure he had many HAPPY VETERANS DAYS! Happy Veterans Day, Everybody! LETTER #39 of “LETTERS TO MY YOUNG ADULT CHILDREN AND TO A WOKE, DECEIVED AND UNLOVED GENERATION” (Letter 39) by Daniel Whyte III, Author of the National Bestselling Books: “Letters to Young Black Men” and “Letters to Young Black Women” First written over 30 years ago.

Daniel Whyte III tells his children thank you for making sure he had many HAPPY VETERANS DAYS! Happy Veterans Day, Everybody! LETTER #39 of “LETTERS TO MY YOUNG ADULT CHILDREN…

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