Larry Reid of Larry Reid Live Says Prophet Manasseh Jordan is in the Process of Filing a Lawsuit Against Bishop T.D. Jakes; Reid Reports Others Are Filing Lawsuits Against Bishop T.D. Jakes as Well.
Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, says to T.D. Jakes, we thank God for your extraordinary preaching gift. Most people love you for the preaching gift that God gave you. But God told you years ago after chastising you, before you became famous and rich, when you were just a country boy from Mississippi and West Virginia, that if you become well-known and rich and become proud and full of hubris and start indulging in your propensity for sodomy/homosexuality and other sins again, you cannot serve Me with my blessings like that. Whyte says, since God has UNRAVELED your life as Whyte told you God would do multiple times, just like your friends Bill Hybels, Brian Houston, Carl Lentz, and others, Whyte tells T.D. Jakes to humble down from his pride and hubris, go out with more class than these three men and resign immediately. Don’t be forced to quit by being humiliated out of office as they were. Yes, the black church will forgive you and let you stay, but that is not healthy for you and your family, and it is not healthy for the local church or the church universal. Step aside for God, Jesus Christ, and the Kingdom. Let the world know there are serious consequences for being a sodomite/homosexual pastor.
Whyte tells T.D. Jakes, you are “David,” and he is your “Prophet Nathan” and says to Jakes, “THOU ART THE MAN!” The problem is, if you had committed adultery with a beautiful Bathsheba, we can all handle that sin of adultery better. But if you are, in fact, a so-called “Power Bottom” sodomite/homosexual who strangely desires and likes a penis in your anus and mouth and vice-versa, then you are banned from the ministry from Heaven’s standpoint whether you continue in the so-called ministry on earth or not. Maybe your friends who support sodomy/homosexuality, such as “Prophetess Jezebel” Oprah, “King Ahab” Barack Obama, and “Judas” Tyler Perry, will be with you, but God will no longer be with you, which has shown up in your preaching already. In other words, you are done whether you continue or not in the ministry. In fact, the reason you and your friends have tried to keep this a secret is because you know the true body of Christ will never accept this evil from a preacher or from anybody who calls himself a Christian. The truth of the matter, Jakes, Whyte, and a few others knew you had a propensity for this abomination, but we were hoping against hope that after God severely chastised you early in your Christian life, you would fear God enough and “not do that again,” you know, kind of like the sermon you preached titled “I Bet You I Won’t Do That Again” for the sake of God, Christ, the Church, and the lost. But the fame and the money and Judas’s “thirteen pieces of silver” led you not only to satanic pharoahistic pride, but the most dangerous form of pride–the same kind of pride that happened to David called hubris. Hubris is when you get to thinking you are a little “g”-god and that you think you can do what you want to do and get away with it and that you think you are too big to fail and then stupidly think that you are so important to the Kingdom, that God will not cause your life to UNRAVEL and that God will NOT TAKE YOU DOWN. Well, Sir, what Whyte has been warning you of for two decades is happening to you now. T.D. Jakes, even people who like you and love your gift and who are even sodomite/homosexual affirming are saying you are permanently tarnished already going forward, and that is even before the multiple lawsuits have started. What you need to do, in a humble West Virginian fashion is resign from the church immediately and resign your family from the church as well, meaning, do not try to leave any of your family members in charge, such as Sarah or anybody to take over because people who like you and love your gift are already mocking not only you but your family by calling you the “TAKES” family for various reasons, which you know very well. So remove your entire family from the church and church ministry and leave the church to godly men only whose families are biblically in order to take the church forward under a godly Joshua who is not related to you (for like Moses, you will not be going into the Promised Land that you dreamed of), and unfortunately, Jakes, it cannot be your friend the divorced and remarried Keion Henderson, who is now married to Shaq’s wife because according to Larry Reid of Larry Reid live he has an ongoing brewing sodomite/homosexual accusation against him, with, according to Larry Reid, a video floating around in cyberspace, which he is accused of lying about.
Whyte calls on some respected, loving, Dallas pastor friends of T.D. Jakes to help T.D. Jakes understand what he needs to do — Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Jack Graham, Dr. Robert Jeffries, and Dr. Dwight McKissic — Whyte wants them to be “Pastor Nathans” to T.D. Jakes and not roll in the traditional “Pastor’s Code of Silence” garbage. Whyte wants them to help him understand that if he does not resign and handle this right, his scandal is going to be a hundred times worse than Eddie Long’s, and he will do just as much damage to the church as Andy Stanley has done, and the aftermath will be greater and longer than Eddie Long’s scandal and impact churches across Dallas, the nation, and the world negatively in the sight of the skeptics and the lost. If it must go through the courts, so be it, but let’s get it out of the church for the Glory of God, for the Glory of Jesus Christ, and the Kingdom.
P.S. 1: Daniel Whyte III calls on T.D, Jakes’ godly Charismatic pastor friends whom he has preached for and who have preached for him to help him make the right decision — Pastor John Hagee, Pastor Joel Olsteen, Prophet Michael Brown, and Bishop Joseph Mattera.
HERE IS THE TRANSCRIPTION FROM THE LARRY REID VIDEO TITLED “1.8.24 – Update on court Filings: Prophet Manasseh Jordan vs Bishop T.D. Jakes”
Dr. Larry Reid of Larry Reid Live says, Let me tell you what’s about to happen. Prophet Manasseh Jordan is in the process of filing a lawsuit against Bishop T.D. Jakes. When I pulled Manasseh’s live video that he did like a week or two ago talking about grooming, he was talking about Bishop T.D. Jakes. Of course, I put Bishop Jakes’s name on it because I knew what was going on. Later on Manasseh put T.D. Jakes’ name out. He did his own live; you may not have seen it. I’m not going to play it because I’m laying in the bed trying to go to sleep to catch this flight. So he has named him now, and he is also going to be filing a lawsuit. The lawsuit is being filed because of what has happened to Manasseh since then as a result that was not public knowledge. It was a bit of a struggle mentally and emotionally that began to repair him and his father who is my mentor the Archbishop Bernard Jordan…
Reid reports that others will be filing as well.
This whole Diddy thing has brought T.D. Jakes’ sexuality into question is what poured all of this into the conversation. How, Reid? Because when T.D. Jakes stood to address it, in my opinion . . . he shouldn’t have said what he said the way he said it because it sound like he was denying everything. I already told you all there is some truth to what was being said. The truth was about TD Jakes’ sexuality piece…
Reid says other men will be filing lawsuits against TD Jakes that he has talked to.
Reid indicates that T.D. Jakes is lying about his sexuality. In other words, T.D. Jakes is a practicing homosexual who “likes some penis every now and then.” Reid has stated several times that he hopes Serita Jakes knew about it because if she didn’t once the details of the lawsuit are filed that is going to be a problem for her. Reid says there was some truth to what was being said. Reid says T.D. Jakes should sit down a while due to this issue Jakes’ preaching is not what it used to be. He also said it was Jakes’ place to reveal his sexuality.
1.8.24 – Update on Court Filings: Prophet Manasseh Jordan vs Bishop TD Jakes
The post Larry Reid of Larry Reid Live Says Prophet Manasseh Jordan is in the Process of Filing a Lawsuit Against Bishop T.D. Jakes; Reid reports Others Are Filing Lawsuits Against Bishop TD Jakes as Well appeared first on BCNN1 – Black Christian News Network.