Category: News and Information

LISTEN! Daniel Whyte III Celebrates 3 Anniversaries in One Day, December 19, 2023: 1. His Spiritual Birthday–He was born-again-saved on December 19, 1979, 44 years ago today; 2. His Preaching Anniversary–God immediately began to call him to preach, but he fought against it for a while; 3. His Wedding Anniversary–He was married to his wife Meriqua Whyte 36 years ago, December 19, 1987. He prays, he reminisces over the precious memories and a few poisonous memories, and he preaches — The Day Jesus Christ the Son of God Was Disrespected and Dishonored by His Family and Community (Part 21-B) in the Just Jesus Evangelistic Campaign #2423-B Mark 6:1-4, Matthew 10:32-43 with Daniel Whyte III

LISTEN! Daniel Whyte III Celebrates 3 Anniversaries in One Day, December 19, 2023: 1. His Spiritual Birthday–He was born-again-saved on December 19, 1979, 44 years ago today; 2. His Preaching…

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