BREAKING WORLD WAR III NEWS: U.S. is Troubled About China’s Escalation in the Pacific as Chinese Military Steps Up Confrontation Incidents–Chinese Fighter Jet Gets Within 10 Feet of U.S. Bomber Over South China Sea While Russia Hosts Hamas and Iran in Moscow
A still image taken from video footage from China’s CCTV shows a Chinese jet fighter over an area near Taiwan. PHOTO: ASSOCIATED PRESS

BREAKING WORLD WAR III NEWS: U.S. is Troubled About China’s Escalation in the Pacific as Chinese Military Steps Up Confrontation Incidents–Chinese Fighter Jet Gets Within 10 Feet of U.S. Bomber Over South China Sea While Russia Hosts Hamas and Iran in Moscow

Daniel Whyte III says again, World War III is upon us, and “born-again-saved” people need to “humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face, turn from their wicked ways,” and get “back to their first love,” the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who have not believed in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour need to do so in a hurry as Jesus Christ said the most important words ever said in the history of the world when He said, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

China’s jet fighters are harassing American military aircraft and stepping up sorties around Taiwan. Its coast guard is confronting a U.S. security treaty ally in the South China Sea, leading to a recent collision.

Amid the tensions, talks between the U.S. and Chinese militaries remain largely frozen, which leads Washington to worry that a misstep could trigger a dangerous escalation.

The latest flashpoint is a clash between the Philippines and China over control of a reef in the South China Sea that could draw in the U.S. to defend its ally.

“If Manila requests American support for this mission, it brings into the picture a more serious Chinese challenge of American ships or aircraft,” said Zack Cooper, a former Pentagon official.

Scenarios could include a Chinese ship using a military-grade laser—as has happened against a Philippine ship—or locking its missile-targeting radar on a U.S. aircraft as a warning, according to Cooper, now a security analyst at the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington think tank.

President Biden said Wednesday that the U.S. stood by its legal commitment to defend the Philippines.

Separately, the U.S. military said on Thursday a Chinese jet fighter closed in on a U.S. B-52 aircraft at high speed over the South China Sea during the night of Oct. 24 and flew within 10 feet of the bomber, putting both aircraft in danger of collision.

There are few active military communication lines between the U.S. and China, making it harder to coordinate a mutual effort to dial down tensions.

China cut off high-level military talks with the U.S. in August 2022 in response to the visit to Taiwan by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Among the casualties were annual talks at which American and Chinese military officers discussed ways to ensure safe military encounters at sea and in the air, a forum known as the Military Maritime Consultative Agreement that had been active since 1998.

Beijing also suspended a channel between the Pentagon and the Chinese military called the Defense Policy Coordination Talks that had been used to foster cooperation and discuss crisis management.

Adm. John Aquilino, the head of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, said recently that he has sought talks with his Chinese counterparts for 2½ years without having a request accepted.

In its latest annual report on the Chinese military, the Pentagon said the absence of communication “raises the risk of an operational incident or miscalculation spiraling into crisis or conflict.”

Source: WSJ

Chinese fighter jet got within 10 feet of US bomber over South China Sea, US military says

Source: CNN

Russia hosts Hamas and Iran for Moscow meetings

The post BREAKING WORLD WAR III NEWS: U.S. is Troubled About China’s Escalation in the Pacific as Chinese Military Steps Up Confrontation Incidents–Chinese Fighter Jet Gets Within 10 Feet of U.S. Bomber Over South China Sea While Russia Hosts Hamas and Iran in Moscow appeared first on BCNN1 – Black Christian News Network.

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