LETTER #23 of “LETTERS TO MY YOUNG ADULT CHILDREN AND TO A WOKE, DECEIVED AND UNLOVED GENERATION” (Letter 23) by Daniel Whyte III, author of the National Bestselling Books: “Letters to Young Black Men” and “Letters to Young Black Women” First written over 30 years ago.


LETTER #23 of “LETTERS TO MY YOUNG ADULT CHILDREN AND TO A WOKE, DECEIVED AND UNLOVED GENERATION” (Letter 23) by Daniel Whyte III, author of the National Bestselling Books: “Letters to Young Black Men” and “Letters to Young Black Women” First written over 30 years ago.



Dear Danae, Danita, Daniel, Danni, Danyelle Elizabeth, Danyel Ezekiel, Daniqua Grace, Danielle Tekeela, Duran, and Kywaizia:

I pray and trust that each one of you is doing well. I have committed each of you into the hands of the Lord as I promised the Lord when each of you was born. If you love Him back and obey Him, He will take care of you and bless your life. If you disobey Him, and do evil in His sight, in light of what you have been taught by me, from the Word of God, you will be miserable, depressed, and defeated.

My happy Thanksgiving remembrance of you are the times we went to certain restaurants, or got some food from certain restaurants. Here are my top 12 when we all ate the same food. By the way, this is not in order of our favorite restaurant, but rather frequency: McDonald’s (everywhere), Captain D’s (Columbus and Burleson), Texas Royal Pizza (Cleburne), Subway (everywhere), Burger King (everywhere), Chick-Fil-A (Burleson), Long John Silver (LaGrange Georgia where we first rang the bell and Irving, Texas where we rung the bell again). For desserts: (especially) Maple cookies with creme inside with soy ice cream, Health Food Store (Cleburne), healthy real Fig Newton Bars, Carob-Almonds, Carob-Peanuts, and Carob-Raisins, Frozen Fruit Bars (Health Food Store in Columbus), Braums Cappuccino frozen yogurt (Irving, TX and Cleburne), Church’s Chicken (Columbus, Irving, and Cleburne), Taco Bell (Columbus, Irving, and Cleburne), Walmart’s Rotisserie Chicken (Irving and Cleburne), and of course, Chuck-E-Cheese pizza (Columbus, Irving, and Waco). Oh, what fun we had! I thank God and you for the PRECIOUS MEMORIES.

My Thanksgiving devotional “Text” for November 18th is Romans 8:26: “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”

Danae, Danita, Daniel, Danni, Danyelle Elizabeth, Danyel Ezekiel, Daniqua Grace, Danielle Tekeela, Duran, and Kywaizia, I love you all, and I assure you I am praying for you without ceasing. Please pray for yourselves, pray for one another, and pray for me. And do not allow the satanic spirit of Judas to use you even though you are surrounded by it through your mother and extended family members. Before the Lord, think long and hard about what you say and do. Do not listen to other people, be they in the family, in the church, or the world. Listen to the Lord and His Word. You are all adults under American law, so think for yourselves and make your own decisions after consulting the Lord. Daniqua is mature enough to handle herself and protect herself. Danyel Ezekiel is finished with college and should be able to handle himself and protect himself from evil people. Danyelle has about two more years of college and if she feels safer and more comfortable here, make sure nobody hinders her from coming back. Even though we are poor and do not have a mansion anymore, if she wants to come back, because she feels more comfortable with her father, you all let her come back, particularly if she has been harmed or frightened by somebody already. Pray for yourselves, and pray for one another. As you know four young college students your age were stabbed to death at the University of Idaho. And three young, black men were killed by a fellow black student and a fellow football player. It is said now that the four white teenagers were all stabbed in their sleep, and one of the football players was shot while he was asleep. And just tonight a man shot killed over 70 people; so far 22 are dead in the state of Maine. Children, we are living in “PERILOUS TIMES”. We are living in WOKE TIMES. “Do not err my beloved, brethren” and sistren and children.

God loves you very much, and I love you very much as well.

P.S.: Meriqua Whyte is just as proud, stubborn, demon-possessed, rebellious, selfish, and evil as she has always been and is still trying to hinder the ministry as she has always done, and she still will not do the things I tell her to do for her own health and her own good. For example, I tell her to bathe every day, and she does not want to do so, and every day, I have to go in there and shower her down, to make sure she bathes properly. I have to tell her to drink her protein shake, as soon as she gets up. I have told her to eat three to five times a day, and I have to tell her to eat her food every day, and she intentionally does not do so. I have to tell her to take her vitamins. She refuses to bring up getting insurance for herself. I have told her several times to write down the number that comes on the television about the Affordable Care Act, that she can get, and she refuses to bring it up throughout the day, even though I have told her she needs to take care of herself nearly every day–you are not a child. Pray for her salvation. Other than that, she says her legs are much better. If God leads you to pray for her healing, please do so. It seems vain to pray for people to get healed when they won’t do the things the doctor tells them to do, and they won’t do the things the person responsible for them tells them to do out of pride and stubbornness. One doctor at the Hughley Medical Center gave her several insurance companies to contact. I have asked her several times for that list, and she has not asked to call them and she has not given me the list to call them. Why does she do things like that? She does it because of the same reasons you have heard me tell her down through the years: she wants to look poorly so that people will feel sorry for her. This is nothing personal because this is not her; this is not a “flesh and blood” thing; this is the devil driving her to do this, in an attempt to hinder the ministry or to hurt the ministry. Meriqua Whyte cannot see it because she is spiritually blind because of her lost condition. Pray earnestly for her salvation. And pray and ask God to cast the demons of hell out of her life. That is the main thing you need to pray for her about, as I have said to her for over thirty-five years. Children, you know I am telling you the truth regarding this, and no matter how many devilish woke family members, WOKE church members, or woke friends who specialize in revising history and brain-washing people, God was there for the past thirty-six years. I was there for all of those years, and you were there for most of those years. You have seen her do this kind of foolishness nearly every day. I remember when Danni was a little girl, and she would ask me why does Mommy mess up things every time. And all I could tell her at that time was “Danni, it is just stupid to me.” I learned a little bit later it was the devil working through her to try to hinder the ministry.

Danae, Danita, Daniel, Danni, Danyelle Elizabeth, Danyel Ezekiel, Daniqua Grace, Danielle Tekeela, Duran, and Kywaizia, I love you all, I thank God for you all, and I am praying for you all without ceasing. Please Pray for me.

Love God and Jesus Christ first.

Love Papa, second.



The post LETTER #23 of “LETTERS TO MY YOUNG ADULT CHILDREN AND TO A WOKE, DECEIVED AND UNLOVED GENERATION” (Letter 23) by Daniel Whyte III, author of the National Bestselling Books: “Letters to Young Black Men” and “Letters to Young Black Women” First written over 30 years ago. appeared first on BCNN1 – Black Christian News Network.

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