THE GUIDED PRAYER with Daniel Whyte III (Wednesday Night Prayer List #4) #34-B in Conjunction with The Prayer Motivator Minute.

THE GUIDED PRAYER with Daniel Whyte III (Wednesday Night Prayer List #4) #34-B in Conjunction with The Prayer Motivator Minute.

THE GUIDED PRAYER with Daniel Whyte III (Wednesday Night Prayer List #4) #34-B in Conjunction with The Prayer Motivator Minute. Daniel Whyte III is President of Gospel Light Society International, Pastor of Gospel Light House of Prayer International, “Crying in the Wilderness,” “Exiled on the Isle of Patmos,” and “Preaching the Gospel by any Means Necessary” with a tribute to Daniel Whyte III’s second daughter Daniella (Danni) Whyte who helped produce most of the Prayer Motivator Minute and the Prayer Motivator Devotional podcasts.

What is a Guided Prayer? A Guided Prayer is when an experienced born-again-saved Prayer Warrior guides people to the Throne of Grace by praying for and with other Christians, guiding less experienced Christians in prayer, often times having them pray responsively out loud with one of the purposes being teaching them how to pray based on the Word of God, the Holy Bible, so they can become strong Prayer Warriors and lead their families and other groups in Guided Prayers to actually receive answers to prayer from God in the individual’s life, in their families, and in their churches for the Glory of God.

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