Following lawsuit, rep admits “AI” George Carlin was human-written

Enlarge / A promotional image cited in the lawsuit uses Carlin’s name and image to promote the Dudsey podcast and special.

The estate of George Carlin has filed a federal lawsuit against the comedy podcast Dudesy for an hour-long comedy special sold as an AI-generated impression of the late comedian. But a representative for one of the podcast hosts behind the special now admits that it was actually written by a human.

In the lawsuit, filed by Carlin manager Jerold Hamza in a California district court, the Carlin estate points out that the special, “George Carlin: I’m Glad I’m Dead,” (which was set to “private” on YouTube shortly after the lawsuit was filed) presents itself as being created by an AI trained on decades worth of Carlin’s material. That training would, by definition, involve making “unauthorized copies” of “Carlin’s original, copyrighted routines” without permission in order “to fabricate a semblance of Carlin’s voice and generate a Carlin stand-up comedy routine,” according to the lawsuit.

“Defendants’ AI-generated ‘George Carlin Special’ is not a creative work,” the lawsuit reads, in part. “It is a piece of computer-generated click-bait which detracts from the value of Carlin’s comedic works and harms his reputation. It is a casual theft of a great American artist’s work.”

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