Month: January 2024

TRAGIC AND SAD! THERE’S A WOKE DEVIL LOOSE! Multi-millionaire Private School Educated Dylan Thomas, 23, Heir to £230 Million Pastry Fortune, is Charged with Murder for allegedly stabbing best friend and housemate William Bush, 23, to Death on Christmas Eve. The article below did not indicate this was another Sodomite/Homosexual relationship that led to murder. We hope That is Not the Case, even though the end result is the same. However, it is Rare for One Young Straight Guy to Murder Another Young Straight Guy unless there was some kind of drug deal that went wrong, which does not seem to be the case in this tragic story. Please know, unfortunately money is a powerful tool and can hide unsavoury aspects of a case like this as it cannot do for the poor.

TRAGIC AND SAD! THERE’S A WOKE DEVIL LOOSE! Multi-millionaire Private School Educated Dylan Thomas, 23, Heir to £230 Million Pastry Fortune, is Charged with Murder for allegedly stabbing best friend…

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