Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International Tells TD Jakes to Stop the Foolishness of receiving God-like Praises From Sychopant Preachers When he Knows he is Unworthy

Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International Tells TD Jakes to Stop the Foolishness of receiving God-like Praises From Sychopant Preachers When he Knows he is Unworthy to be in the Pulpit.

Pastor Joel Tudman engages in narcigesis foolishnes by caing TD Jakes the Gate called Beautiful from Acts 3. Whyte says he thought this kind of preaching would cease after the Coronavirus Plague killed over 20 millionpeople including Bishops, Pastors, and their wives. This is a shame before God and needs to cease. Whyte says further in light of the sodomite/homosexual scandal that TD Jakes has been named in, two grown men rubbing arms together in church is not a good look to say the least. Watch below.

In a recent sermon Dr. Joel Tudman preached on Acts 3 where Peter healed the lame beggar who was being carried to the temple gate called Beautiful. Rather than making it about the beggar’s faith and being healed in the name of Jesus, Tudman takes a different approach, comparing himself to the beggar and the gate called Beautiful to TD Jakes whom he heaps with idolatrous esteem and god-like deference.
Please see video at Protestia.com

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