UNPACKING: Trump Says He will Refuse to Sign Federal Abortion Ban if Elected President

Former President and presumptive Republican White House nominee Donald Trump told journalists on Wednesday that he will not sign a federal abortion ban if it reaches his desk. Trump announced that “whatever” individual states “decide must be the law of the land” on abortion instead of pursuing further pro-life protections at the federal level. HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD: https://give.lifesitenews.com SHOP YOUR FAVORITE PRECIOUS METALS WITH LIFESITENEWS: https://stjosephpartners.com/lifesitenews SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH! https://shop.lifesitenews.com/ Connect with us on social media: LifeSite: https://linktr.ee/lifesitenews John-Henry Westen: https://linktr.ee/jhwesten

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