32 Powerful Quotes About Overcoming Procrastination by Joel Brown

I’ve put together something special for you: my Top 32 Procrastination Quotes.

Did you know that Procrastination is not about you being Lazy? There’s something much deeper going on in your subconscious. I create. a quick 3 min quiz you can take to discover which of the 6 procrastination types you are, you can take the quiz here: DoQuiz.com

These procrastination quotes aren’t just your everyday quotes; they’re power-packed nuggets of wisdom to kick procrastination to the curb and get you moving.

Drawing from my years of coaching and diving deep into what makes us tick (or what stops us in our tracks), I’ve crafted these quotes to light a fire under you. They’re a mix of tough love, inspiration, and just that little nudge we all need sometimes.

Whether you’ve been with me on this journey for a while or you’re just getting to know me, these quotes are for you.

They’re your wake-up call to stop waiting for “the right time” and start making your own right time, right now.

So, let’s dive in and shake things up. These quotes are more than just words; they’re your toolkit for beating procrastination and stepping into your power.

Let’s get to it!


The Top 32 Procrastination Quotes To Get You Into Action

Procrastination is not a problem with managing time; it is a problem with managing emotions. Manage your emotions, not your time. – Joel Brown

Embrace the discomfort of starting. It’s the secret passage to overcoming procrastination and rediscovering your momentum. – Joel Brown

Procrastination often disguises itself as planning. It tricks you into feeling productive, but in reality, you’re just stalling. Without action, there’s no progress, leaving you stranded in a sea of unfulfilled plans. The solution is simple: Stop overthinking and just start! – Joel Brown

Procrastination feeds on fear, but action starves it. Take the first step, even if it’s small, and watch the fear fade away. – Joel Brown

God handed you time on a golden platter, and you’re letting it rot with procrastination? Show some respect. – Joel Brown

In the brain’s battle between instant gratification and long-term success, procrastination is the enemy you’ve welcomed in. – Joel Brown

Procrastination isn’t just the thief of time; it’s the silencer of potential and the postponer of purpose. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is a glitch, and with a mind like yours, glitches are easily overridden. Command your focus and rewrite your neural code. – Joel Brown

Neurologically speaking, procrastination might be the brain’s way of asking us for a deeper dialogue with our purpose. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is like the fog over the lands of potential; once cleared, the path becomes visible and the journey, achievable. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is more than just a delay—it’s a barrier between you and your highest potential, between you and the life you deserve. The inability to act due to lack of structure, indecision, unclear life goals, and uncertainty about the future is silently eroding your wealth and well-being. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is the mind’s protective mechanism against perceived threats and discomforts. – Joel Brown

Procrastination may be a symptom of our brain’s resistance to discomfort, but overcoming it is a testament to human resilience. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is the mind’s pendulum, swinging between the desire for change and the fear of it. – Joel Brown

Avoidance patterns, like procrastination, are the brain’s way of seeking momentary relief, often at the cost of long-term fulfillment. – Joel Brown

To overcome procrastination is to master the dance between the mind’s desire for comfort and the soul’s need for growth. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is the mind’s way of avoiding the discomfort of growth and the fear of the unknown. – Joel Brown

The lies you tell yourself will eventually become your limit. Break the cycle of procrastination, get up, and you’ll discover your true power. – Joel Brown

Procrastination and staying in your comfort zone is like sitting in a parked car with the engine running – you’re wasting precious fuel and going nowhere fast. Don’t let fear of the unknown or discomfort hold you back from reaching your destination. – Joel Brown

Procrastination and distraction are like two thieves in the night, stealing your time and robbing you of your potential. Don’t let them sneak in and take what’s yours. – Joel Brown



Procrastination is like a credit card: it’s a lot of fun until you get the bill. – Joel Brown

Procrastination is self-denial of your potential. You put your future at risk to avoid judgement. Real coaches know that in order for their client to remove this “perceived pain of the future” they must support their clients to accept and heal the pain experienced in the past. – Joel Brown

A purpose-driven individual knows how to conquer these seven flaws successfully: Oversleeping, blame, fear, jealousy, resentment, sloth, and procrastination. – Joel Brown

Your real issues:

– Your procrastination
– The junk food you eat
– Your lack of discipline
– Your self-doubt
– Your self-criticism
– Your lack of focus
– Your pride

Go to war with that. – Joel Brown

Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Break the chain of procrastination. Every day, take a small step. Example: If you want to stop eating sugar, pick one day a week when you won’t eat any kind of sugar. Take it step by step from there. – Joel Brown

The bridge between ‘someday’ and ‘today’ is built with the bricks of discipline and the mortar of commitment. Start laying your bricks now. – Joel Brown

The cost of procrastination is the life you could’ve lived, the goals you could’ve achieved, and the person you could’ve become. Let’s invest in your future, starting now. – Joel Brown

Overcoming procrastination isn’t about finding more time; it’s about creating more purpose. Let’s ignite your purpose and watch time find you. – Joel Brown

Procrastination’s greatest lie is that there will always be a tomorrow. Let’s live and act with the urgency of today, for it’s the only guarantee we have. – Joel Brown

Your dreams don’t have a snooze button. Stop hitting ‘later’ and start living now. – Joel Brown

Waiting for the perfect moment is like fishing in a dry pond. Cast your net now, where the water is plentiful. – Joel Brown

“Procrastination is a silent assassin. Speak life into your goals with action.” – Joel Brown


Which one was your favorite procrastination quote? I’d love to know.

Share it in the comments below.

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