The Best Father’s Day Gift That Daniel Whyte III Ever Received Was From His 7 Children — Danni, Daniel IV, Danita, Danae, Daniqua, Danyel Ezekiel, and Danyelle — Who All Wrote Spontaneous Letters From Their Hearts When They Were Younger and Had Pure Hearts, Which His Daughter Danita Evangeline Whyte Compiled and Edited and Made Into a Book for Father’s Day, Which He Will Cherish Forever. Danita Evangeline Whyte and her Siblings Share Letters of Love, Appreciation, and Honor That They Wrote to Their Father, Daniel Whyte III, Spontaneously and on Their Own, and Not Only on Father’s Day But Also on birthdays, spiritual birthdays, and for no reason at all other than pure love and appreciation for their father Down Through the Years in the Book Titled, “DEAR PAPA.” The book was compiled and edited in such a way that it can be a blessing to other fathers and children as well. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY 2024!


by Meriqua Whyte
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) My husband and I have been married for over twenty-one years now. The Lord has blessed us with seven wonderful children. I can truthfully say, that in our twenty-one years, my husband has taken his God-given role as head of the household and as husband and father seriously. He has also taken God’s command to bring up our children in “the nurture and admonition of the Lord” seriously, realizing that they will only be with us for a short time.
He has prayed for each of our children since the time of their conception, and has read the precious Word of God to them since birth. He has often times given up his time so that he can spend time with each of the children. He has showered praise and encouragement on each child and has balanced that with discipline when needed.

Three things that stand out in his life and that he has been consistent in living out as a father are:
1. His never ending love that he shows daily to our children.
2. His striving to live a godly life of obedience to God before them.
3. His remaining faithful each day to his God-given role as a father.

The letters contained in this book are some of the many spontaneous letters written by all our seven children to their father from a young age. (My husband never asked the children to write these letters. These letters truly came from their young hearts.) In these letters they show their love and appreciation for him as well as for the life lessons he has taught them and is continuing to teach them each day. We trust that these letters will be an encouragement to you as well, even as they have been to my husband.

I thank you, Daddy, for taking your role as father of our seven children seriously, and for remaining faithful to this task all these years. Thank you also for being a great husband to me.

I love you,

by Daniella ‘Danni’ Whyte (18 years old)

“…the glory of children are their fathers.” (Proverbs 17:6)

Father’s Day is a very special day for fathers and their children. Unfortunately, it only comes around once a year. On this day, fathers are recognized and honored by those who love them the most – their children. However, in my opinion, fathers should be honored and celebrated every day of the year. Fathers who choose to stay in the lives of their children and who help to improve the lives of their children should not just be honored on one day, but every day.
One of the best ways to honor your father is to write him a letter or a card throughout the year. You can share with him what you are doing from time to time, how your day is, how school is going, or anything that is on your mind.

Your dad, just like our dad, will love to receive a letter from you. It means a lot to him and he will be very appreciative that you took the time to think of him.

This book contains over 100 letters that my brothers and sisters and I have written to our father since we were young children. We decided to place them in a book to show children how important writing letters to your father can be. If you don’t know how to write a letter, feel free to use the letters included here as a guide. If you don’t know what to say, just start with what is on your heart and mind at the moment and before you know it one idea can lead to another idea and you can produce a very interesting and encouraging letter for your dad.

May I encourage you not to take your father for granted.

Show love and appreciation to him while you are together.

And remember that Father’s Day is not just one day out of the year, but should be celebrated every day!


The Purpose Behind Dear Papa by Danita Whyte

(Why We Started .

Our aim in creating the online ministry of is to give honor to our father for all that he has done for us, as well as to show appreciation for all fathers across America and around the world, who are devoting their time and love to their children.

This website began as a card design that we drew on paper, complete with our favorite quotes, poems, letters, and pictures for our father. One night, when he came home, we presented it to him and he liked it so much that afterwards we decided to make it a website so other people could come to it and show appreciation for their fathers and even get more ideas on how to celebrate Father’s Day, which is one of the biggest holidays in our home.

On Father’s Day, and many other days of the year, we write our father letters, which is one of the best ways to express your thoughts to anyone. In writing to your father you can tell him how much you love him and thank him for all he’s done for you, tell him things that you need help with and things that are going on in your life. It’s the best and easiest way to open up your heart to him.

As the old saying goes, “The pen is mightier than the sword,” and for years, one of the best ways to express your thoughts to someone has been through writing it out on paper in the form of a letter or card. Sometimes things are easier to write out on paper than trying to speak them because it can really come from your heart, which is very important. Letters will also mean more in the future .
because they last longer than gifts bought from a store, or going to eat out on Father’s Day, even though the memories of things like these should remain strong. If you do things like this, you can write in your letter what made it memorable to you and why you will forever remember it, so that in years to come, when you are grown and your father is older, he can still bring out the letters you wrote him as a child and bring to mind the times you spent together.

Your letters, if they are true and sincere, mean a lot, especially when they tell how you are getting along in life, how you are growing, your plans for the future, etc. Our father tells us that many parents do not talk with their children while they are young, so when the children grow up the parents don’t even know them. Your letters can give your parents a way to get to know you better.

Letter writing was an important part of the family in the times of old. It was a way for the younger generation to connect to their past and for the older people to remember their past. According to Rachael Freed: “Legacy writing connects us to our history and future generations, clarifies our values, and communicates a legacy to those we love. As significant, it also taps into deep universal needs that we don’t even realize we have.” While mothers are important in our lives, fathers are also very, very essential, and we should try our best to make our relationship stronger and better. One of the best ways to do that is through the mightiest tool on earth – the pen.

We encourage you to write your father a letter of appreciation today.

SPECIAL NOTE: On some of the letters in this book, you will notice they are dated. This is because the child who wrote the letter included the date on the letter. The letters in this book span from 1994 to the present, and this is just a small fraction of the letters. We estimate that several thousand letters and notes have been written to our father on many different occasions over the years. And the funny thing about this is that our father was not out of town when we wrote these letters; he was right there in the home with us.

Also, some of the quotes that you see on the letters were actually written on the letters. For some reason, like our father, we fell in love with quotes.

Daniella’s Letters

“It’s only when you grow up, and step back from your father, or leave him for your own career and your own home—it’s only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love.” – Margaret Truman
June 15, 2003
Any man can be a father, but there is nobody like mine.
It takes two eyes to see, sometimes glasses or contacts.
It takes two ears to hear, sometimes hearing aid.
It takes two to write a letter.
But it only takes one to be a father.
Now we have come to your 13th Father’s Day. God has helped us in so many ways. We have come a long way since I was born. You have done very good this year. I love you very much!
Fathers are special in so many ways. They lead you, train you, and even punish you. But you still love them. And you make them have the best Father’s Day ever. Happy Father’s Day!
To a very special father, From Danni
To Papa
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue
Sugar is Sweet,
And so are you!
June 18, 2006
Happy Father’s Day!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
I am glad that you are my father. You are a great father.
Thank you for all that you have done for me throughout my life. Thank you for teaching me and training me in the right way. Thank you for loving me and caring for me.
And thank you for rebuking and chastising me when I am wrong. Thank you for being a great father and for setting a great example for me. Thank you for not buying me a lot of material stuff, but for always making sure that I pray and think, for that is what is most important. I just thank you so much for being the great father that you are.
I will always take care of you. I love you very, very much.
Happy Father’s Day!
June 15, 2008
Happy Father’s Day!!!
To the greatest of fathers on this Father’s Day
I want you to know
That I’ll love you alway.
Dear Papa,
I am glad that God has allowed us to see another Father’s Day together. I am also glad that we were able to get the wonderful website up so that we can help other people honor their fathers. This has been a truly awesome week.
You are the greatest father. Thank you for everything that you have taught me and done for me down through the years. Thank you for not letting us go astray and for letting us help you in the ministry. It is a blessing to serve God with you. Nobody deserves a greater Father’s Day than you!
Have an extremely blessed Father’s Day!
I love you!
– Love,
December 19, 2006
Happy 27th Spiritual Birthday!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
I am glad that you have reached your 27th spiritual birthday. That is the most important part of a person’s life.
God has used you mightily over these many years.
Thank you for praying with us every day and reading the Bible with us every day. Thank you for teaching us what is right and biblical and for keeping us on the right track for our lives. Thank you for making sure we obey God’s Word.
Keep up the great work for the Lord! I pray that you live a very long time and see many more spiritual birthdays.
Dear Papa,
Happy 45th Birthday, Papa!
I am glad that God has allowed you and us to see your next birthday. God is good!
You are a great father. I hope that God will let you live a long time. Thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for teaching me and helping me to be good. Thank you for loving me and for all that you have done. You are the best father ever.
I will continue to pray that God will bless all of your books and that He will bless your ministry.
I love you very much.
My Papa is big,
My Papa is strong;
My Papa is loving,
All the day long.
No matter how old or how sick he may get;
I will always love him Just like that!
Happy Father’s Day!
I love you very much!
good and wise,
tall and strong,
he does not lie.
he teaches truth
and righteousness –
he does not tolerate
any mess.
he watches my steps
so I won’t go astray – and because he loves me he shows me the way.
my father is the
he is one of a kind,
and I’m so glad
that he is MINE!
Happy New Year!
Dear Papa,
Happy, Happy New Year!
I love you very much.
We have had an extremely tremendous year. I am thankful that God has allowed us to accomplish so much and witness to so many people. You are a great father. Thank you for leading and guiding this family to do great work, to do business in great waters, and to live and walk by faith. God will continue to bless you and this ministry. I will be good this year and do my job with God’s help.
Thank you for all of your training throughout the year.
Thank you for holding us accountable for our actions.
2007 will be an even greater and bigger year. Keep up the great work for Jesus.
Happy New Year!
December 25, 2004
Merry Christmas!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. And have a very merry Christmas!
Because of Jesus I am!
It wasn’t about Santa, Or little green elves; Neither about presents, Nor stacking their shelves.
There were no colored lights, The only Light was the Star; And it shone down so brightly – That the Shepherds knelt in awe.
No seasoned figurines, .
No family, nor friend; No spacious, warm house, No special bed to lend – But in a stable, in a manger, With the cattle all around; Lay the humble Baby Jesus, So meek and mild.
Three wise men came,
By the bright Star lured; Bringing their gifts – Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.
And, yes, there were Shepherds, Keeping their sheep;
On a cold, wintery night, Oh, so deep.
And the Angel from Heaven, Came and gave them a sign; “They were to go to Bethlehem – Quickly! Tonight!”
Here they would find,
In a stable lay,
A humble King,
Asleep on the hay.
Our King of kings and Lord of lords, Was given us in this special way; Our Lord, Messiah, Prince of Peace – Was born this very Christmas Day.
Glory to God in the highest .
And on earth,
Peace –
Good will toward men.
Glory to God in the highest And on earth,
Peace –
Good will toward men! – Danni ______________________________________________
Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Papa,
This has been a really, really great year. So much work has been accomplished this year. I am so happy. God has blessed this ministry and the book and this family tremendously.
You have been a great father. You have always been good to me. Thank you for teaching me to think and to be happy. Thank you for taking care of me and helping me to be good. I hope that God will let you live a long, long time. Thank you for instilling in me good character. I am thankful to God that you are my father.
I am glad that we have reached our goals and beyond our goals this year.
Keep up the great work for the Lord!
“O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His .
mercy endureth for ever” (Psalm 118:29).
Thanks for Jesus, my Redeemer, Thanks for Blood shed for me, Thanks for days that he doeth give; Thanks for joy unspeakable be.
Thanks for pain,
And also for pleasure, Thanks for joy,
And grace that none can measure.
Thanks for joy and thanks for sorrows; Thanks for peace in Heaven with Thee, Thanks for grace to face tomorrow, And Thanks for blessed eternity. – Danni ______________________________________________ January 27, 2007
Dear Papa,
I love you.
Congratulations on making the Essence Magazine Bestseller’s List for the third time. I know that it is a miracle of God and a great and wonderful feeling. God has used you mightily throughout this world in the lives and hearts .
of so many people. I am so glad that God saw fit in His will to put us all in the ministry with you.
I am doing well in school. On my past two math tests, I made a 100 on each of them, including the hardest test, which was a test about conversions.
You are a great father. Thank you for everything that you have taught me and that you continue to teach me. Thank you for leading this family to seek after holiness and godliness.
I love you always,
June 15, 2002
Happy Father’s Day!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. I wish you a happy Father’s Day!
God has blessed you very much. I hope that God will continue to help you hold up in the big battle between good and evil. You are the best father in the world. I love you.
Fathers are here to love and care, Fathers are here to do their share, .
Father are here to set the pace, Fathers are here to win the race.
Fathers are here to rebuke and praise, Fathers are here to race through the maze, Fathers are here to lead the race, But most of all, Fathers are here because we need them. Danni
Happy 24th Spiritual Birthday!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. You are a great father. I hope you have a great day at work today.
I will be good today, and pray for you today. God has been extremely good to us.
Keep up the good work!
Smart people are people who live in charity, think in hope, stand in unity, and pray continually. Smart people are the ones who live everyday as if it was their last. Smart people are the ones who live through thick and thin, good times and bad. Smart people are the ones who hold our beloved country together as one and make us work together as a team. Smart people are the kids who go to school and determine to be somebody, someday. Smart people are the ones who tell the truth and stand up for what is right, no matter how much it hurts. Smart people .
are the ones who are hated until their name and work go down into history. Smart people are the ones who think before they speak. They utter words with wisdom and walk with dignity. They tell people what they are capable of doing and help them to do it. Smart people are the ones who are loved after being dead and gone, who are finally distinguished as some of the most smart, reliable, “stardacious,” determined people of their time. Their works are read from day to day. They are finally defined as smart and successful people. These are smart people.
March 25, 2007
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
You are a great father. Thank you for taking us to Atlanta with you. That was a very fun trip. Thank you for taking care of us and always loving us and teaching us what is right. I am glad that you had a safe and wonderful trip to England. I hope to go to England one day, too.
It has truly been a miraculous and blessed month. God worked a lot of miracles through prayer for us.
______________________________________________ .
June 17, 2002
Dear Papa,
I love you. You love me. Thank you for teaching me out of God’s Word. I will obey you and God. Jesus is the rock of my salvation and He is a shelter in the time of a storm.
Everybody who is a Christian always carries a million dollars. They have a million dollars not in money, but in Jesus. Money can do some things, but money didn’t crucify Jesus, it didn’t bury Him, and it didn’t raise Him from the dead. So everyone can walk around in these last days like we all have a million dollars. We should have a smile on our faces and a joyful spirit. Thank God that we are going to Heaven.
A happy day is coming by and by; though the perilous times are coming, there’s a better day a humming by and by.
I love you.
June 17, 2002
Dear Papa,
I love you. You love me. Thank you for teaching me out of God’s Word. I will obey you and God. Jesus is the rock of my salvation and He is a shelter in the time of a storm.
Everybody who is a Christian always carries a million .
dollars. They have a million dollars not in money, but in Jesus. Money can do some things, but money didn’t crucify Jesus, it didn’t bury Him, and it didn’t raise Him from the dead. So everyone can walk around in these last days like we all have a million dollars. We should have a smile on our faces and a joyful spirit. Thank God that we are going to Heaven.
A happy day is coming by and by; though the perilous times are coming, there’s a better day a humming by and by.
I love you.
March 04, 2007
Dear Papa,
I love you.
This has been another great week. God has blessed us in so many different ways this week, and has answered all of our prayers. I am glad that we know and serve the true and living God and not a false god. When He closes one door or opportunity, He immediately opens another one.
Thank you for everything you have done for this family.
Thank you for teaching us all to pray without ceasing and .
to have strong faith in God. Thank you for teaching us to pray every hour and to obey God and His Word. You are a great father.
I am glad that one day I will be able to travel all over the world and to other countries, just like you have done, and like you are getting ready to go to England and Scotland.
Keep up the great work!
November 13, 2005
Dear Papa,
I love you.
Thank you for all that you have done for me. Thank you for always taking good care of me. You are a good, wonderful father. I hope that you will live long. I will continue to help you in the ministry. Thank you for teaching me how to be good and to be happy. The church services were very good today.
I am reading the book of Matthew. I will continue to pray that God will continue to bless the ministry and the books. God will always take care of us.
I love you.
Dear Papa,
I finished reading the book of Joshua this week and am reading the book of Judges now. I like Joshua 10:12-14 where it says: “Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, moon, in the valley of Ajalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher?
So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day. And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the Lord fought for Israel.” God will fight for us. He has given us the victory.
Prayer is the greater work. You are a good father.
I love you.
October 07, 2003
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. Some kids just love their fathers for .
stuff or for what he can do for them, but I love you for who you are. Thank you for being who you are to me. I hope you have a great day at work. Thank you for everything you do.
“…I go my way, and ye shall seek me, and shall die in your sins: whither I go, ye cannot come” (John 8:21).
May 30, 2009
Dear Papa:
Now that I am much older than I was when the previous letters were written, I think that it is a good idea to write a more up-to-date letter. I am blessed to have a father like you in my life to help steer me in the right direction. So many children today don’t have a father in their lives and I can see the difference that it makes. On the other hand, some children do have fathers in their lives but these fathers are not attentive to their children’s lives. Thank you for being attentive to my life. Still some children do have fathers in their lives, but they do not appreciate them.
Even though I did not necessarily like every single thing that you did to get us to move forward on the right track, I am glad that you did it. I am glad that you can see into the future, and that you are able to make choices based upon where you know we should be and not based upon where .
we think we want to be.
Thank you for showing us by example what walking by faith is. Without faith, it is certainly impossible to live the Christian life. I am glad that faith is a strong part of your life and that God and obedience to His will is the center of our family. Thank you for setting a strong example of integrity, character, and standing up for what is right no matter who does wrong. It means a lot to have a father like you and I thank God for you.
I love you.

Daniel’s Letters

“My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass;’ ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply.
‘We’re raising boys.’” – Harmon Killebrew FOR MY DAD
“The LORD knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.” – Psalm 37:18 I’m really thankful
that God gave me
a Dad like you –
one who shows love
by taking the time
to be a part of what’s important to me.
It makes me very proud to say that
you’re my Dad.
July 25, 2003
Why Do Little Boys…?
Why do little boys
put on their father’s shoes?
Why do little boys
say what their father’s say?
Why do little boys
walk like their father’s do?
Why do little boys
look like their father’s faces?
Why do little boys
sit in their father’s chairs?
Why do little boys
walk in their father’s footsteps?
that’s who they want to become. – Daniel
February 27, 2005
Dear Papa,
I love you, and a very Happy Easter!
Thank you for taking me to the office with you and teaching me the Bible, Greek and English Grammar.
I am glad that Jesus died on the cross for our sins to save us from Hell, so that we can have everlasting life. We need to go and “throw out the life line” to those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. We especially need to help those people who are less fortunate than we are.
“Ye are the light of the world…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father which is in Heaven” (Matthew 5:14-16).
– Daniel IV
October 22, 2006
Dear Papa,
I love you.
I am very sorry for my bad behavior this past week. But, I want you to know that I want to do what is right – not what is wrong. Paul said it best: “…for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I…For the good that I .
would. I do not: but the evil which I would not, that do I”
(Romans 7:15, 19). I will keep on trying my best to do what is right, and dedicate myself to this task. But I will make sure that I will not do it in the flesh, but in the spirit.
I think, the more God does for us, the more we should do for Him.
Your Son,
Daniel IV
October 24, 2007
Dear Papa,
I love you.
I am glad that you made it back safely from Scotland.
While you were gone, we were working hard and praying for you. I am also glad that the trip to Atlanta went well.
While you were gone, I retook my New Testament test and made a 100%. I also finished the 5th grade, and I have to take a few more tests.
Keep up the great work for the Lord.
Your Son,
Daniel IV
December 25, 2007
What Gift Would God Give?
God would give
The gift of love.
Because He gave
His only Son.
To save us from
a world of woe.
And prepare for us
A place above. – Daniel
Dear Papa,
I love you. Merry Christmas!
It is amazing that for 2,000 years, the focus of this one day of the year has remained the same–the birth of Jesus Christ. And I am thankful that God sent His only Son to die on the cross for our sins, so that we can have a home in Heaven.
Thank you for being a good father and for leading our .
family in the right way.
I think it is good that we do not do a lot of commercial things for Christmas, lest we lose the focus of this day.
And I think that God would rather have it that way.
I hope that we will enjoy many more Christmases together as a family.
Daniel IV
March 30, 2002
Happy Easter, Papa!
Dear Papa,
Happy Easter! This Easter is a very happy one for this family. We remember the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We should be happy that Jesus died for our burden of sin. If He did not die for our sins, we would always be tormented by them. I am very glad that Jesus came to save us.
I am glad that you are a good father.
Keep up the good work for God.

Your Son,
Daniel IV
I love you.
I am glad that you have reached your 27th Spiritual Birthday. God has blessed your 27 years in the ministry.
Thank you for leading me to the Lord when I was seven.
Thank you for teaching me from the Bible and showing me the right way to go.
God will continue to bless you as you continue to work in His ministry. I know that one day I can follow in your footsteps.
Your Son,
Daniel IV
December 25, 2004
Dear Papa,
I love you. Merry Christmas!
I am glad that Jesus was born so that we might die to sin.
And I am glad that He did, so that we might live a new life in Christ.
Daniel IV
On a snow-filled day, a Baby was born A mother was tired, weary and worn A long trip to Bethlehem, a father did make To pay taxes to Caesar, this journey he’d take Some people nearby, and so many abroad To the city of Bethlehem their donkeys did trod From the hills nearby came shepherds of trade With news from the angels saying, “do not be afraid” From a land far away came a few wise men Taking words from the ancient prophet’s pen Herod and his soldiers tried to take Jesus’ life But God put a wall between the devil’s strife On a snow-filled day, a Baby was born A mother was tired, weary and worn – Daniel ______________________________________________ Dear Papa,
Thank you for the message today, and thank you for .
taking us to the park.
I am glad to be close to finishing the 6th grade. This week, I finished my Science course and I have two more books to finish my Social Studies course. Social Studies is my favorite course, besides Literature & Creative Writing.
I will strive to do what is right all of the time and I will ask God to help me everyday.
Daniel IV
February 3, 2006
Dear Papa,
I love you.
Thank you for taking care of us for this week while we were sick. I am glad that we have a father like you who cares for his children like you do. It really means a lot. I hope that all of us get well soon.
I will be obedient and faithful in everything I do. I know that God will help me. And I know that God will help us to get caught up on all of the work that we missed out on this week because of our sickness.
Daniel IV
June 19, 2005
Love… Care… Discipline…Leadership… Strength…Fore-sight… Wisdom…these things make up a father.
Dear Papa,
I love you. Happy Father’s Day!
Thank you for loving and caring for us. Thank you for teaching us. Thank you for making us stretch our minds and get a good education.
Thank you for being a great father. God will bless you because you are a great father. The Bible says, “Behold, that thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord” (Psalm 128:4).
Daniel IV
Dear Papa,
I like Thanksgiving because I like turkey, stuffing, .
cranberry sauce and everything else we eat on Thanksgiving Day. And I like to thank God for all He has done for us. I love God. He has delivered us from many troubles. And He has given us things we didn’t expect, He has saved us from hell and eternal death.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving, Sincerely,
Daniel IV
Dear Papa,
I love you.
I am glad we made it to Texas. I like it here already.
Thank you for taking us to the Arts Museum of Southeast Texas. The paintings were great.
I am sorry for being bad. Will you please forgive me?
Thank you for taking us to church.
Daniel IV
April 05, 2005
Dear Papa,
I love you.
This week in my Bible reading, I read Psalm 18. I love this chapter because it tells of how God will always take care of people who place their trust in Him. Because we are God’s children we are clean in His sight because we are washed with His blood.
I will continue to pray for the success of our ministries and books.
Your Son,
Daniel IV
October 01, 2003
Dear Papa,
I love you. You are a great father.
I like the way that we are being taught, because we learn from the Bible; we are taught moral character, we can work at our own pace, and we get a chance to go back if we mess up.
I like attending church. By training us as children in the church we will know how to do things. We will be able to .
do great things for the Lord.
All of your investments in your children’s lives will pay off. Because God and you will make us great people.
I am glad that you are teaching me the Bible. I am glad that you bought me a study Bible. It helps me understand the Bible better.
I hope you have an excellent day.
Your Son,
Daniel IV
July 26, 2007
Dear Papa,
I love you.
Thank you for teaching us and training us to do what is right.
I am glad that we had a good week this week and that we got a lot of things done. I am glad that God is blessing our ministry.
Since this week, I finished reading another Bible book, and I am starting on another one.
Your Son,
Daniel IV
May 25, 2005
Dear Papa,
I love you.
“…be ye not sorrowful, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” That is the verse that stood out the most to me in my Bible reading this week in the book of Nehemiah.
Nehemiah was a man of faith and prayer who never backed down in the face of adversity.
I will continue to pray for the success of our books.
Thank you for taking us to church and to the library.
Your Son,
Daniel IV
Dear Papa,
I love you.
You are a great father. You preached a great sermon today.
God is blessing our family with increasing ministry opportunities. In the midst of all of these blessings we must not forget to be sober minded, vigilant, watchful and prayerful because the devil never lets up, so we must never let our guard down. If we do well in this, God will bless us with much more.
Thank you for taking us to Austin, Killeen, Fort Hood, Crawford, Mother Nell State Park, and Bosque County.
I finished Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus over the past few weeks in the Holy Bible. God’s Word is a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path. I finished the history book on Saturday. And I am on page 75 in the 4th grade math book.
Your Son,
Daniel IV
May 30, 2009
Dear Papa,
I love you.
God has been extremely good to us and has really blessed us as a family. I know that God blesses us as a family because you lead us in the right way. I want to say thanks for leading our family according to God’s Word, and for talking with us and spending time with us everyday. I know that because of this, I will have a better understanding of life.
Thank you for being a great father and teaching and training us in the right way. Thank you for making sure that we get a good education, and that we help out in our family’s work. I am excited about continuing the work in our ministry and businesses, and in continuing to publish new books for the glory of God.
Daniel IV

Danita’s Letters

“I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.” – Selected Dear Papa,
Happy Father’s Day and I love you lots!
I am glad that I have a good father because many kids do not have good fathers to take care of them. Thank you for teaching and training me in the right way. I will do what you say to do, always.
I would really like to be a missionary when I grow up and .
help a lot of people and lead them to the Lord. I am glad that you are a missionary and help a lot of people. You are the best. Thank you for being a good model for me. I will always take care of you. Thank you for everything you do.
I will be like you and serve God all of my life.
Thank you for being a terrific dad. Happy Father’s Day to a terrific father!
Love is a moment that lasts forever. – Julie Whittey Sincerely,
December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas to You and a Happy New Year to all the World!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
For this Christmas I wanted to write something very special to you that would hold lots of meaning to tell how much I love the holiday season and why I’m glad we live in America to celebrate it, and that I’m glad it’s Jesus’
birthday and all. I couldn’t think of anything very big or smart or special like a rhyming poem that could tell about Jesus’ birth. Perhaps I should just say that I’m glad I .
know what the Holidays are truly about – not movies or foods or presents or trees or Santa cookies – but more about Jesus and family and love and giving and sharing. I am glad that you have always been able to celebrate Christmas with me and that is the most important and best thing to me in the whole world, better than any movie present or visit from Santa because it is most truly not about that. Each and every Christmas day should be special and be made memorable and taken to heart to be the very best because it could be our last one and togetherness with your very own family is the greatest thing of all – no matter how imperfect we may be. But we should always stay together through all our troubles and remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. I love you best of all.
Jesus gave with His whole heart, so should we every season.
Much love,
Heureux le Père un Jour!
(French for Happy Father’s Day) Dear Papa:
This has been a very good Father’s Day weekend because I’m so glad we got the site up. It’s the best .
ever. Thanks for all the things you’ve taught me, especially about God and how things go in this life, but also other things like taking us out to see Prince Caspian and buying the LOTR (Lord of the Rings) trilogy and the French book. I will truly learn French very well.
We say this kind of stuff in our letters all the time, but I know that I am forever indebted to you because of all the things I’ve learned that I wouldn’t otherwise know if I grew up somewhere else. You have always been with us, and we are blessed to have such a great father. One day I will understand all the things you teach us and become everything I should be. I know now that it’s very important to communicate and that we should tell others what we think about them while they are here with us because anything can happen.
(French for ‘Love’),
Joyeux Noel!
(French for Merry Christmas) Cher (French for “Dear”) Papa, I love you so much and Merci (French for thank you) for being such a splendid father to me. I am so glad that we .
have come to another Christmas and very close to a New Year. 2008 has been really great and I have learned a lot of new things, Merci for teaching me the right things and even if they were things that I didn’t want to hear I know that I will be a better person for listening to them.
This Christmas has also been one of the best because we went and helped other kids who were sick in Parkland City’s Hospital and even more important than buying for ourselves is giving, which is what Christmas and Christ’s birth is all about. I remember all the good times we have had this past year and will never forget them like going to the theater and Six Flags and bringing home my pet frog and books and ice cream to eat.
But even more important than all that is remembering all the times you took us walking around the park, spending time with you and talking about life and all the things we love to enjoy. I know that the year of 2009 will be even better, for when you live for God, wonderful things do truly happen.
Dear Papa,
I love you so much.
This year has been a very good year. God has really, really .
blessed us this year, but I know that we would not have gotten so much done if it was not for you leading us and training us in the right way throughout this whole year.
Thank you for always being here for me throughout this whole year and for spending time and talking with me, especially on my birthday. Thank you for listening to my stories too, and for going back and forth to the eye doctor to get my glasses. And thank you for praying and reading God’s Word with our family every morning and evening.
I will always, always take care of you. I’ll love you forever.
Danita, Danyel E., and Danyelle P.S. “There is no remedy for love but to love more.” Thoreau
“Joy is the echo of God’s life within us.” – Josphe Marmion
Dear Papa,
I will remember everything you have told us this past week. When we get older, we will thank you even more for all you have done for us. It may be kind of discouraging right now but I think that you will be proud of us when we get older. Still, I will try to do my best when I am young and learn all I can about life, that way, you can be .
proud of me even more.
Thank you for taking us with you to the Narnia movie. It was great. I enjoyed it a lot.
I love you best of all.
Dear Papa,
Happy Thanksgiving!
I wrote a poem called ABC Thanks for you.
I thank God for Awesome fathers.
I thank God for Believing fathers.
I thank God for Christian fathers.
I thank God for Daring fathers.
I thank God for Entertaining fathers.
I thank God for Fabulous fathers.
I thank God for Giving fathers.
I thank God for Heroic fathers.
I thank God for Imaginative fathers.
I thank God for Jovial fathers.
I thank God for Kind fathers.
I thank God for Loving fathers.
I thank God for Marvelous fathers.
I thank God for Nice fathers.
I thank God for Optimistic fathers.
I thank God for Powerful fathers.
I thank God for Radical fathers.
I thank God for Super fathers.
I thank God for Thoughtful fathers.
I thank God for Unfailing fathers.
I thank God for Victorious fathers I thank God for Wise fathers.
I thank God for eXcellent fathers.
I thank God for Year-round fathers.
I thank God for Zealous fathers.
You are all of the above and more!!! I’ll love you forever.
Dear Papa,
On Monday, I was so glad that you came home safely. But now, you’re going away again except that this time it is only to a far away country, Scotland. However, we both love England and while you are away I will do my responsibilities and be mature. Thank you for spending as much time as possible with us. On your trip to Scotland could you please take some pictures to show us when you come back? and don’t forget to write.
Please be safe while you are away. I can’t wait to see you come back!
Papa, I am so glad I am your daughter. I love you best of all even when we’re apart.
P.S. Are you going to bring back a kilt?
Dear Papa,
Happy Valentines!
I love you. Love conquers all.
You are truly the best father in this whole wide world that ever was! I’m glad that we do not have unreal love in our family, but true love – it’s so much more meaningful to celebrate Valentines sincerely and from our hearts. The greatest love that was ever shown was God’s love when He sent His Only Son to die for us and I know that your love is similar to His because even when I do wrong you still love me and love me enough to forgive me.
Thank you for loving me as I am and for being the father that you are to me because I understand that if you didn’t love me, then you wouldn’t correct me when I’m wrong and help me to know that I’m not perfect, so that I can .
become a better person and help others to become better.
Since you do love me then you want me to become a good person instead of staying disobedient or proud.
I love you back the same.
Dear Papa,
You’re the best! Thanks for eating the special dinner with us last night and the special breakfast with us this morning.
We love you best of all and we always will. You’re our model and you’re the best father in the world. We love you!
Danita, Danae’, Daniqua, Danyel E., and Danyelle’
Dear Papa,
I am very blessed to have a father like you. Thank you for taking us on the trip to California and for spending time with me. It was so splendid! Here are some things that I remember about our trip and things that I will never .
The evening we started out for Oakland, we ate dinner at Jack-in-the-Box, and the sunset, when we got back in our van, was so beautiful. God is really the best artist. No one can touch Him, because everyday on the trip the sunrises were glorious and the sunsets were awe-inspiring.
Driving out of Texas and into New Mexico, we saw lots of mountains, hills, valleys, and plateaus. Only God could have created such wondrous stuff. He made all of nature so beautiful and I’m so glad that I’m a Christian because I have Somebody who is listening to my prayers. Our God is great, He is awesome and full of wonder and beauty, He made our world and everything in it, He made me which is why I love Him.
Soon we were descending into Albuquerque. Going in and coming out, the sights were much different from Texas, because there were gigantic mountains all around it. I love mountains a lot and they looked especially great when the city lights lit them up at night.
Arizona was much the same as New Mexico – a wondrous sight! More beautiful sunsets and sunrises and beautiful sceneries. ‘The Heavens declare the glory of God,’ that’s what the Bible says and it’s true. Even though we can’t see Him, we know He’s there because He has always been protecting and watching over us from somewhere up above. I feel very sad for all the people who don’t have .
anyone to believe or trust in when they see all of the beautiful nature.
As we drove into California, it was nearing night time and I fell asleep. The next morning we were nearing Oakland and it was our last day on the trip. We rode through lots of rolling hills with windmills on them and sometimes we passed by fruit orchards.
What I remember most about this trip is the art of God; and the other thing I’ll always remember about this trip is my family. You’re a great Dad who doesn’t care about jobs or money, instead you care about other people and you care a lot about us kids and you love us and take care of us. Sometimes it probably is hard being a father, but I am glad that I have one and that I have one like you.
You’re the best thing in this world and I would never trade you for anything else.
I think that California is just a little bit magical. It’s a state of cool.
Love forever,
Happy Birthday, Dear Papa!
Dear Papa,
Happy 46th Birthday!
I am really glad that you’ve reached another birthday. I .
am glad that I could celebrate it with you. You’ve been really fantastic on planning for and celebrating with us on our birthdays so today is a special day for you. I’m glad that we’re cooking dinner and making the cakes for you on your B-Day.
Over my 12 years, I remember a lot of cool things that we have done together like the time we roasted peanuts in Georgia over the fire. I think we made a mess but it was fun! And then there was the time we went to Crystals and played games until nearly 9:00 at night. I really like it when we get to have fun times together, but I also know that life is sometimes filled with serious times and we have come through those alright, too.
You are the best dad, that’s why you deserve the best birthday and that’s why I love you best of all.
Dear Papa,
I am really tired from staying up all night and moving into our new house but it was worth it because the house looks great. I also liked driving up front in the U-Haul truck.
I can’t wait until we have soda floats tonight in .
celebration of our new house! I hope that you will be able to tell us more Bug-A-Booh stories when we get in the bed at night in this house. You are a great storyteller.
Dear Papa,
I want to thank you so much for giving me the best birthday ever.
I really like the sport of golf and was wonderfully surprised when you took me to Putt-Putt Golf and Games. It was awesome! Thank you so much for playing a whole round of golf with me and for buying me my own golf club and balls. I can’t wait until we get out on a real golf course.
It really doesn’t matter who wins in our games but what does matter, is that we have fun and enjoy spending time together. I always enjoy spending time with you – it is one of my favorite things to do and this has been one of my favorite birthdays. I know it takes a lot of planning and time to make our birthdays extra special but this one was really out of the ordinary and thank you for loving me so much to do that when there are so many other things which you could have been doing.
I also enjoyed talking with you and asking questions.
Thanks for listening when I read my stories to you today in the car. Also, I loved going to Sonic. It’s one of my favorite restaurants.
– Sincerely,
Love always,
P.S. I also liked the Caramel ice cream and the new Black Forest cake recipe.
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
You said during devotions that just because things may change in our lives, and things that we don’t like or particularly love happen to us, we should not become angry or mad or sad. But instead we should still be happy and adjust ourselves to the situation as best we can because that is what would please God.
I know that it also pleases you, too, so I will try very hard to please you and God in all that I do in my life. I know that I can learn a lot from that even now because the only constant thing in life is change. Everyday I will become a better person with God’s help.
Keep on praying when the skies are gray, In God’s presence clouds will break away; .
Keep on praying till the sun shines thru, Keep on praying, God will answer you.
– Ina Pearle Whaley
Everything for our family will turn out alright if we just continue to trust God. You are a very wise person to tell me so many things that I don’t know that I should know.
You are certainly the best.
Love lots,
Dear Papa,
“The era we are living in today is a dream of coming true.”
– Walt Disney
I’m glad that me, Danae’, Daniqua, & Danyelle have our first book out and published. However, I know that we would not be at this splendid time in our lives if it had not been for your direction and guidance, and I thank you for that and your love. Lots of the things that we have written about, I learned from you and I will never forget them all of my life.
Thank you for helping us get published. I will be a fantastic writer like you.
“There is nothing like a dream to create the future.” – Selected
“He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.” – Selected
Dear Papa,
Happy Spiritual Birthday!
I love you so much. You are the best of all fathers.
I am so glad I have a dad who knows the Lord. It takes a lot of hard work to be humble but by becoming humble, it helps me learn that I’m not perfect and if I really do want to become perfect then I can’t do it in my own strength. I will pray and ask God to help me with my attitude and spirit so that I can become all that He wants me to be. It is so good to be ever learning about new things so that I’ll know what’s right and what’s not.
Thank you for encouraging me to be good but I want to become better. I have a lot more things to learn and I want to learn them all in time. The future holds so many possibilities so I know that the next few years will be exciting!
With lots of love,
Bonjour Papa,
I love you very much. Thank you so much for praying with us this morning.
God can’t give us peace and happiness apart from Himself because there is no such thing. – C.S. Lewis Merci very much for allowing us to watch a fun movie with you and also eating some great food from Rosa’s Mexican Restaurant with you on yesterday. Thank you also for buying us chocolate. Much aimer (French for “love”)!!! The church service was great and we’re glad you’re our father!
May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand. Irish Blessing
Much aimer. Have a splendid morning.
Bonjour Papa!
Thank you so much for taking us with you on yesterday. I had a great time and I’m glad we watched Fireproof together! Thank you also for buying lots of tea on yesterday, could we buy some scones soon? Danae’, Daniqua, Danyelle, and me found this website that has lots of different scones on it. They look great!!! Our favorites were the Cream Scones, Chocolate Scones, and the Blueberry Streusel Scones.
I’m still doing Math in school and am learning about how to figure out number patterns which is pretty fun. I made an A on my last English PACE.
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – Selected “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!’” – Selected
The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet.
And whither then? I cannot say.
– J.R.R. Tolkien
Have a magnifique day.
With lots of love,
Dear Papa,
I am now much older than I was so many years ago and I have learned a lot about life from you to become who I am now. Hans Christian Andersen said, “Every man’s life is a fairy tale written by God’s fingers.”
Many things may change as I get older and develop different ideas about different things but the only thing that should not change is our relationship. We should become stronger together and better. It is not a very good idea for me to become smart or proud because I know that there are still so many things for me to learn, so many new things that I have to figure out. You have always been with me throughout my 14 years of life, and have never led me in a wrong path so I know that your ways will be better than mine. Even when I don’t like all of the rules that you lay down for me to follow I know that they will benefit me in the end and I will always try my best to be obedient because I love you.
Since you have been with me throughout my whole life, I may sometimes take all that you do for me for granted, but I know that you love me more than anything. We have done so many awesome things together, learned so many things, and have had lots of important and .
meaningful talks which probably does not mean so much now as they will in the future. However, I am very blessed to have a father like you because even though I am sometimes disobedient you have never given up on me or any of us kids but have helped us do things that are important in our lives and in others. And perhaps, most importantly, you have taught me all about Christ and I am so glad that I know Him for myself.
I do believe that my life would be totally different if God had not blessed me with a great father like you. There are many who have not had a good life because their father left them because they didn’t love them enough, but I really appreciate your sacrifice for staying with our family.
We are so much better off because of that.
I hope that we will be together for so many more years.
My life has been better because I have such a loving father like you! You are the absolute best.
Love forever and ever.

Danae’s Letters

“You know, fathers just have a way of putting everything together.” – Erika Cosby

Happy Father’s Day!
from Danae` to Papa
A father is a source of strength, a teacher and a guide
The one his family looks up to With loving trust and pride…
A father is a helper
With a willing hand to lend, A partner, and adviser
And the finest kind of friend.
Dear Papa,
Happy Father’s Day! I love you.
Thank you for giving me a great birthday on yesterday. I enjoyed all of the things that we did, but most of all I enjoyed being with you and my sisters and brothers.
Father, I love being with you Times when we are just simply chatting just strolling by.
I never know where the hours go by.
When you would forget your duty and demands and I would forget my little complaints.
Perhaps it’s like this in Heaven, I would often think.
Perhaps it’s like this when we feel Father’s love.
Happy Father’s Day.
– Unknown
You have always been a great father. Thank you for all that you do. God will richly bless you and reward you.
Keep up the great work for the Lord. Thank you for all your encouragement, chastisement, and hard work to make me into the girl God wants me to be; that’s why I am wishing you a Happy Father’s Day to a terrific father.
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. You are a great father. I am glad you are my Dad. Thanks for everything you do.
I am so thankful for you because so many other kids don’t have a Dad. I appreciate the times when we can go riding together, eat together, drink slushies and sing along to our favorite songs together, talk together and most of all do something for Jesus like going soul winning or giving money to the homeless and then taking them out to eat at McDonald’s. I am just glad to have a Father like you!!!
Apples are crabby,
Berries are Blue,
Cherries are sweet
And so are You!
I love you best of all.
Dear Papa,
Merry Christmas!
I am glad that Jesus has died for us so that we can have this great day. I am glad that this is the day that Jesus was born and the bright star shone down on the wise men as they traveled to Jesus’ birth. That is why this day is special as we know, it’s not about gifts or the big tree or a colorful lighted up house, but about Jesus and that’s all.
Remember we have to help the homeless on the street so they can have a Merry Christmas, too. Thank you for making this day go well. My Christmas present under the tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up with each other.
Presents lie beneath our tree, .
Waiting for the dawn,
When they all have been unwrapped, Christmas won’t be gone!
Still its joy will fill the air, Singing near and far,
Gentle as a flake of snow, Radiant as a star!
– L. D.
Joyeux Noel!
Cher Papa,
I love you very much.
I am very glad that we are able to see this, another Christmas day together, but I am also glad that we were able to help and give to others. Thank you for all that you have done for us this year and I’m glad that you have graduated from the university and are able to stay home more.
We all know that Christmas is not about gifts, trees, or food, but it’s all about the Virgin birth of Jesus, His death, and Resurrection, and the presence of family.
Thank you so much for being a great father.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. You are a great father.
Thank you for taking care of me this week. Not much has happened, so I won’t have much to write. I hope that we’ll all feel better soon. I just can’t wait to get back to normal so that we can continue with the ministry work and stay ahead. But I’m also glad that we have this time because we get to be with each other and we rest and recuperate for the long year ahead of us.
Thank you for taking us soul winning. I hope that we pass out 12, 000 tracts this year, and that a lot of souls will be won more importantly. Remember that we have to tithe and give to the people in Africa. Valentines is in a few more days. If we’re feeling better by that time could we please go down to Dallas and give love to the homeless people and take them out to lunch?
I love you best of all.
Dear Papa,
I love you.
You are a great father. Thank you for everything you do.
Church was great today, like it always is. Thank you for taking us soul winning. We also have to tithe to God.
Thank you for buying me the new sneakers. I like them a lot. This week has been a good one; I’ve actually started on my 4th grade work. I praise God that your book has reached the Essence bestseller’s list for February and I hope it will reach the bestsellers list every month.
I’ve been having a lot of dreams lately, like one after the other. But having dreams is fun while you’re sleeping, ’cause it’s like you’re still thinking and imagining while you’re asleep, and when you wake up, it’s okay, because you’re coming out of something else and realize it’s all fake and you’re just waking up into the same situation.
On the Lilly book, we’re still using our imaginations to work on it. It’s forming up awesome.
Valentines is in a few more weeks. Could we please go to the library and give love to the homeless people down there by taking them out to lunch and showing them the way to Jesus? Then may we please go to the local orphanage and give out chocolate bags to the poor kids? God would be very pleased to see us showing some love to others who are less fortunate than us.
“Love conquers all.” – Virgil .
Sincerely, Love,
Happy New Years!
Dear Papa,
I love you a zillion!
I am very happy that God has allowed us to see another year tonight and that we are still living and are very healthy! This past year has been terrific and we’ve gotten lots of things accomplished with God’s help. Some days were sometimes different and still funtastic, like when we could stay up over night until the next morning and sometimes having problems and not being able to do all that we had planned. But now at the end of the year, when we look back, it’s just like God was sprinkling His blessings on us all the time! Ringing in the New Year!
Dear Papa,
Thank you for being a wonderful father!
Happy Spiritual Birthday!!!
I am so glad to have a Christian dad. Thank you for .
training me up in the right way, loving me, feeding me, clothing me, and most of all for being a great model for me following the Christian traits of love, kindness, charity, courage, etc. The most important things in all kids’ lives is their Dad—having a Christian father who trains them in the right way, someone who they can talk to, and be encouraged by along the way.
“At the end of the day, Only one thing matters, And that’s Jesus, just Jesus, and nothing else.” I’m glad that since you got saved 12/19/79, you have served God with all your heart, mind, and soul. I love you best of all!
Sincerely, Love,
Let not your heart be troubled, Believe in God, and also in Me (Jesus) “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” Said the man from Galilee.
“I go to prepare a place for you, believe And you will see, that when I am through I will come back for you, so that you may be; Where I am too! Forever – You & Me!
– Johnny Hart
Dear Papa,
I love you lots.
This week has been a grand one. Praise God for all the miracles He has worked for us. Merci (French for Thank you) for bringing home Crystals and chocolate. It was delicious! I hope you’ll have a safe trip to Scotland and will do some missionary work while you’re there. It will be good when we can come back together again and I hope that we will all be able to go to England for a visit.
Scotland is a beautiful country with lots of history and even some of the Narnian actors live over there! Merci for taking us soul winning with you. I always love to go with you. Also, may we please send some money to Oprah’s Leadership Academy? It was really terrific to see all the girls come to their new school.
Dear Papa,
Happy 4th of July!
Thank you for all you do! This has been a great 4th of July! The hamburgers that you grilled were great, so was the whole meal. It is very good to live in an independent nation under God. I am very thankful.
Best Wishes,
P.S. Next 4th, can we do fireworks?
“May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country!” – Daniel Webster
Dear Papa,
I love you so very much. You are a loving father. Here we are at another lovely Valentines.
Thank you for all the loving care you have shown to us.
Thank you for taking care of me, teaching me and training me, even when it was hard.
I know that all the love you show to me by spending time with me and teaching me is better than any other love in this world, besides God’s love. Thank you so much. I’m very glad that you are my dad and that you love me no matter what.
Next Val’s Day may we please go to the less fortunate and help them. That’s what love is for.
Love, your daughter,
Happy Birthday!
I loooooooooooooooooooooooove you! You are a terrific father! Thank you for everything you do for me. I am so very glad that you have reached your 46th Birthday.
Congrats! You have always done splendid things for us on our birthdays, so I’m glad that you had a very great day today!
Everything was delicious! You are the best dad in the world. I would not trade you for anything. I hope you live to see me become a missionary and a great writer! Once again, Happy B-day!
Love lots,
Dear Papa,
Thank you for taking us soul winning today. I had a fun time! Remember we have to tithe. Thank you for buying us chocolate and Chinese food and the movie on Friday.
Thanks lots.
I am learning a lot in school. Danita, Daniqua, and I have finished reading the book about D.L. Moody and are starting on the next book in the series. All of these books are fun and Faith Coxe writes very well. I am learning about Florida State History now. Florida is called the ‘Sunshine State’ and has its own state symbols too. Plus, I’ve memorized all the Bible names. It’s cool to be home schooled. I love you best of all.
Sincerely, love
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.’’’ – Erma Bombeck
“The purpose of life is a life of purpose.” – Robert Byrne
Dear Papa,
I love you so very much!
I am so very, very, very glad that you are back home from Scotland safely! Merci for sending us all the pictures and letters and for giving us all the Guide Books about the Scots. They are Terrific! Merci for eating some McDonalds with us last night and for renting us ‘Lassie’ when you came back. It was all a great Surprise! The Irish Oatmeal tasted good too! But, most of all I am really glad that you are back home with us together!!! God did protect you!
Love a Zillion,
Bonjour Papa,
Heureuse Nouvelle Année!
(French for Happy New Years!) Here’s a poem I titled The New Years.
Enjoy! Adieu,
Thank you God for New Years, It brings us more flowers in June, More grasses to cut in July, More sunsets in February, More bugs in May,
More things to experience in April, More birthdays in September, But most of all God’s Son is in December, Happy New Years!
Dear Papa,
Thank you for all you have done for us this past year, most of all for showing us God’s love each and every day.
When I get older, perhaps I can get enrolled in the Dallas Institute of Art. I think it’s a fashion school where we can learn to draw and design fashions. Maybe fashion will be my next hobby. May I also take my first mission trip to another land in a few years with Danita and Daniqua
Our first stop could possibly be in England and the UK, then France, Australia, the Philippines, Africa, China, India, and so on. I very much want to be a great missionary to all over the world like you and I want to even go to the places where some may be afraid to go because of the savage people and their pagan beliefs. But it is our mission to go to them no matter what and win them over .
to Jesus, because they need Jesus too and it would be so very sad if we could go to Heaven ourselves and leave them to be cursed forever because we were too afraid to enter their country and witness to them. God tells us not to be afraid in the Bible and I won’t be afraid since God will always be with me as my protector. It is very splendid that we have this mission in life because the purpose of life, like you tell us, isn’t just to live, it’s more than that.
Life isn’t a big joke that we don’t get. It’s very serious because soon we’ll all stand before God and give an account for our lives.
I love you best of all, thank you for all the wisdom you have shared with us.
Sincerely, Love,
“Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.” – Hans Christian Andersen
Dear Papa,
I just wanted to thank you very much for buying me this charm pen today. It is very pretty and I am glad that you have bought it for me. Merci also for taking us soul winning even on the coldest of Sundays of this year so far. I think it’s exhilarating even though it’s chilly because when we go to Antarctica and Alaska as missionaries it will probably be even colder, but our spirits and love for God will warm the hearts of the Eskimo people over there.
I am learning lots in school and have already completed .
three subjects. Could you please rent some more movies on tomorrow for our family movie night? I love you best of all.
Love a zillion,
Dear Papa,
I am glad you came back safely today. This new country house is very cool besides the ants. But there are cherry trees outside; I think they are cherries, and there are some horses inside the gate over at our neighbor’s house and lots of butterflies flying around!!!!! I hope you can show us how to catch one soon! Inside our house is very nice and the bunk beds are great, too, with the large kitchen and Master bedroom and stuff!
I am thankful God gave us this house, and the best parts are near evening, when a huge sunset comes over our house with lots of colors and we can take pictures. It’s like a large canvas covering the blue sky with shimmering colors painted all over it making it splendidly super! God is Great!!!
P.S. I am glad we can have Father’s Day here.
Bonjour Papa,
Today is J.R.R. Tolkien’s Birthday and I want to thank you so very much for buying us the complete Lord of the Rings series!!! We are already finished with the first two books! They are terrific!!! And I have learned that one book can be a light to billions, like the Bible!! I am so very happy for the success of your books also and they are indeed being a light and a big help to many people!!! I hope to become a great writer too, and I hope that my works will spread light among many children and adults alike!
“All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us.” – J.R.R. Tolkien “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” – J.R.R.
“Courage is found in unlikely places.” – J.R.R. Tolkien Love, Light, & Life
Dear Papa,
I have not written lots in quite a while, but it feels very good to write to you again, and first I want to say ‘I L.O.V.E. you very much’!!!
L – Love
O – Obey
V – Value
E – Enjoy
Thank you for all your love and support that you have .
shown each day that I have been born and for all the splendid surprises that you have surprised us with!
Merci! Merci! Merci! But, I also know that love can still be love even when it’s in chastisement form. I am glad that God has given you lots of wisdom to share with us about life, and true happiness, and God, the whole nine yards!
I hope that you will continue to live a long & grand life and I hope you will see us become great missionaries as we take your advice to heart and follow God’s path. I appreciate all that you have told me and I will appreciate it even more as I get older because none of us as kids can see things as clear as only God can and you, as our father can. I will always L.O.V.E. you forever from the bottom of my heart!
Sincerely, Love

Daniqua’s Letters

“I just owe almost everything to my father…” – Margaret Thatcher
Happy Father’s Day!
There’s a Reason we Call you “DAD”
Dedicated to my Papa, Daniel Whyte III, who has been a great father all these years.
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
You are the best father in the whole wide world. I am glad that you have reached your 17th Father’s Day. I am glad that you were here so that we could celebrate this Father’s Day together. The meal was great! Happy Father’s Day!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. I am glad that you are my papa and that we could see another Christmas together again. You are the best father in the world and Christmas is one of my favorite holidays and I am glad to share another Christmas with you and our family. Thank you for everything you do for me and have done for me.
I’m starting to write a story. I wrote a story for you. It’s behind the card. It’s called The Best Christmas Ever. I hope you like it! I love you very much and thanks for every thing.
______________________________________________ .
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
You are a great father. I am sooooooooooo happy you have reached your 27th spiritual birthday. This has been a great day. I thank God that you are my father. Thank you for taking care of me, loving me, taking me out with you, and staying by me when I needed you. You are the best father in the world.
I love you very much.
Love, Daniqua
P.S. “Jesus took our place that we might have his peace; he took our sin that we might have his salvation.” Could we please go to the library?
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. You are a great father. God will bless you. Thank you for taking care of me. You are the best father ever. Thank you for taking me with you last night. Below is something I wrote for you, I hope you like it!
My papa loves me,
My papa hugs me,
My papa helps me,
My papa teaches me,
My papa takes me with him, My papa reads to me,
My papa plays with me,
My papa works with me,
My papa writes with me,
My papa colors with me,
My papa loves me and I love him! – Daniqua From my heart,
Dear Papa,
I love you lots! I am glad you are my papa.
I am glad that Jesus is our Lord, especially on Easter. I will always obey God and you. Thanks for loving, caring, and teaching me to do right.
I will follow you in the right way. Keep up the good work for the Lord and keep on serving God. God will bless you very much.
P.S. Could you please take me to the library?
“I love my father as the stars – he’s a bright shining example and a happy twinkling in my heart.” – Adabella Radici “A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.” – Author Unknown ______________________________________________ Dear Papa,
Happy Thanksgiving!
I love you. This has been a great year and I am glad that we could see another great Thanksgiving! Thank you for all you have done for me and I am so glad that I have finished first grade! I’ll always remember that you were there to help me through it and teach me on all the difficult subjects which is why I know so much now.
Since you have always been here when I’m young, I’ll help you and love you more when you get old.
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day is a day to give, Thanksgiving Day is a day to celebrate, Thanksgiving Day is a day to look back, Thanksgiving Day is a day that is great, Thanksgiving Day is a day to make Indian hats, Thanksgiving Day is a day to share things, But most of all it is a day to thank God!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. You are a great papa and will be the greatest forever.
Thank you for buying chocolate for me. It was sweet!
Thank you for talking with me about everything and about all of my problems and worries. I always feel so much better afterwards and I’m glad that I have a Papa who will listen whenever and wherever.
Love lots!
P.S. You’re the best Papa one could have!
Dear Papa,
Merry Christmas!
I am so glad that it is Christmas! I know that Jesus was born on Christmas and that makes me so happy. He also sent His Son down to earth to die on the cross for our sins and rose again on the third day. Thank you for letting us make breakfast this morning for you. Thanks for letting us watch some fun movies. I am sooooooo glad you loved the breakfast.
P.S. Also, I felt like saying a Merry…HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESUS!
Dear Papa,
You are a terrific father!!!!! Thank you for playing with us on yesterday evening. It was fun! I’m glad that your book is published. I hope that we get eleven or twelve books out this year. However many it is, I hope we get a lot out!
Thank you for teaching me. I believe you are the greatest teacher ever.
I love you lots!! Easter is next Sunday.
Daniqua G.
“A light heart lives long.” – William Shakespeare Good, better, best –
Never let it rest
Till the good is better
And the better is best! – Anonymous
Dear Papa,
This Lord’s Day has been wonderful! You are a great Papa and are loving, caring, faithful, helpful, and kind. Thank .
you for all you do, thank you for teaching me about God and the Bible. Today was the greatest day ever, because we could once again go out together as a family and pass out tracts, telling people how to get saved. It was extra cool! I hope that lots more people will come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior!
Daniqua with Danyelle
Dear Papa,
I loooooooooove you very much.
I will be good while you are away in Scotland. Thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for leading me to the Lord. I will remember Him while you are away, far, far from home over the seas and oceans.
Please, please come home soon. I want to be a missionary, so I hope to go to Scotland like you one day. Stay safe over there and I hope you have a good time over there! You are the greatest Papa in the world. And I am glad that you are my Papa, I love you sooooooooooooooo much!!!!!
Love A Zillion!
______________________________________________ .
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
You are the best father in the world. Church was great today. I am glad that you are my father. Thank you for buying us the chocolate. I love you very much.
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
Could you please read a chapter from Narnia tonight? We really love the book and can’t wait to see the movie.
Remember, we have to go soul-winning.
Wrong will be right, when Aslan comes in sight, At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more, When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death, And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again.
– Mr. Beaver
Daniqua, Danyel, & Danyelle ______________________________________________
Dear Papa,
I love you very much. This has been a great year. Thanks for all you have done for me.
You are a great father. We have had a great Thanksgiving.
You are the best father in the world.
May 30, 2009
Dear Papa,
I love you so much. You are the absolute best father in the world! You have done everything for me, even since I have been a little baby. Thank you for showing us how to make Cola floats (They were great) and for letting us stay up with you on late nights. I have a lot of things to thank you for in my life. Since you have taught me much by talking to me, chastising me, reading the Bible with me, and most of all teaching me about God, I should have a lot to thank you for. I am learning lots and lots of new things every day from God and you. You and God are teaching me a lot of stuff that I will need to learn in my later years—stuff like being grateful for a father who disciplines you when you disobey him or God. You may not appreciate your father then, but later on you will appreciate him very, very much for all the times he .
chastised you, taught you, thought of you, and did everything out of the ordinary for you.
What I’m saying is that I might not like all of what you do for me right now, but you should never slack down, because when I become an adult, I will be very thankful for you helping me to go down the right path. Because everyone needs a father to help them to get along in life. And so I love you very much, because you are helping me to get ready for the world out there and I thank you very much for that.
Love lots for your help and amazing love!!!
Hugs and lots of Love!!
Daniqua G.

Danyel Ezekiel’s Letters

“Good fathers make good sons.” – Selected Dear Papa,
I love you.
You are a great papa. Could you please draw me a picture?
Danyel Ezekiel
(age 4)
To Papa
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
Thank you for chastising me when I do wrong. Thank you for getting my dinosaur book.
P.S. Would you please take us to the zoo and Seaworld?
Danyel Ezekiel
(age 5)
Joyeux Noel!
(French for Merry Christmas) Cher Papa,
You are such a splendid Dad and I love you lots. Thanks for buying us the vanilla wafers, the chocolate bananas, the pecan twirls, and those cakes that have lasted for more than two weeks. You are a great, terrific, and the most radiant and humble Dad I know.
Hugs and Kisses,
Hope you had a Joyeux Noel!
Dear Papa,
I love you. Thank you for everything you do for me.
You are the best father in the world.
In Buried Treasure, I learned that I should share, just like Francine shared when she finds a valuable old buried coin on the beach.
(age 6)
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Dear Papa,
I love you very much.
Even though it was cold and rainy outside, thank you so much for taking me and Danyelle to Chuck-E-Cheese. It was so much fun.
I loved getting the prizes, and taking photos with Chuck– E–Cheese was the best part. You care for us so much.
One day I hope to take you to a fun place of play.
.(age 7)

Danyelle’s Letters

“To her the name of father was another name for love.” Fanny Fern
Dear Papa,
I love you.
Happy Father’s Day. You are a great father.
(age 3)
Dear Papa,
I loooooove you so very much.
You are the best of fathers. Today is a great day.

P.S. May we please go to the zoo?
(age 3)
I love you.
I love Jesus, too.
I believe in Him.
(age 3)

Part Two

The Importance of Fathers

Why I Believe It Is Important to Have a Father in the Home
by Daniella Whyte (18 years old)

Fathers are obviously very important and very special people. If being a father was not important, God would not be our Heavenly Father. God understands the heart, the mind, and the feelings of a father toward His children.
He understands what it is like to train a child in the way of righteousness and godliness. He understands what it is like to send a child out into the real world. He understands what it is like to watch a child suffer. God is the .
ultimate example of a father, and as Christians He matters a lot in our lives and He makes a difference in our lives. Here are a few reasons why I believe it is important for a father to be in the home.
The first reason is because fathers provide a different perspective on certain situations. Situations that we may think are hard or problems that we may think have no solution, fathers have a way of finding a way to fix them.
Fathers have a way of looking at facts when problems arise and they can help their children make good decisions.
The second reason is because fathers prepare their children for the real world. Since men are tough, they can teach both their girls and boys to be tough on the inside – mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Of course, teaching them to be tough does not mean teaching them to be violent. But they can help their children learn that the world is not always going to be friendly toward them. They can help their children develop critical thinking skills, positive self-esteem, and help them make wise choices in friendships, relationships, and business partnerships. They can also discipline their children when they make mistakes or disobey rules so that they can know next time not to do that or to act that way.
The third reason is because fathers push the limits. Fathers can push the limits and pull out of their children the good stuff that they know is in them. For example, if a .
child hates math and he has a math test coming up, but he whines and complains that he can’t do it or that he doesn’t want to do it, that father can get in his head and push him to the point of knowing he can do it. When the child gets to the test, he will have the confidence to allow what is in him to come out. Pushing the limits builds confidence in children. It helps them to take risks and make good choices.
The fourth reason is that fathers can be a strong spiritual force in the lives of their children. Without God, prayer, and obedience to His Holy Word, much of life is not worth living. If fathers develop strong Godly relationships with their children and converse often about Christian subjects, Bible verses, etc., children can develop a deep love for the Lord and huge faith in God. If fathers teach their children to be obedient to God and His Word, they will automatically be obedient to their fathers.
Fathers are needed to build stability in the home and to build a sense of safety, responsibility, and confidence in their children. They can love them and play games with them on the one hand, and they can also discipline them when it is needed on the other hand. Good fathers play an important role in their children’s lives and they certainly make a positive impact on their children’s lives and they leave a great legacy for their children.

The Purpose of Fathers
by Daniel D. P. Whyte IV (16 years old)

Russell Hoban said, “If the past cannot teach the present and the father cannot teach the son, then history need not have bothered to go on, and the world has wasted a great deal of time.” What is the purpose of fathers? Why does God give fathers children? I believe it is for three reasons: First, a father can build a strong and safe family. He can provide a secure environment for his children to grow up in. If children have good fathers in their lives, they can feel assured that everything will work out OK.
Second, fathers provide spiritual guidance for the home— which is most important. A father can teach his children from the Bible and from spiritual insights that God gives him. Fathers will raise Godly children by teaching them the way of God.
Third, a father can prepare his children for life, by sharing his own life experiences. Children will be more successful in life if they are well-equipped early on by learning from their parents’ mistakes and successes.
In short, fathers are there to provide a safe, secure environment for their children to grow up in, provide spiritual guidance in the home, and prepare their children for life.

The Power of Fathers
by Danita Whyte (14 years old)

Rarely do we learn to appreciate somebody who is important to us until they are either gone from our lives or until .
we step out into the world on our own and they are no longer with us. With the fathers in our lives this can be especially true because for the most part, while many mothers are important to a child, a father can be even more so because they understand exactly how much support, discipline, and love that a kid needs. Not only that, but they also help make us stronger inside of ourselves, they help us realize that the dreams we have can actually come true and teach us lessons that we can keep with us through our entire life.
It has been so important to have our father in our home because our lives have been so much better and much more productive with him leading and guiding us. He has taught us things that we would have never known had he not been our father and there is simply no telling how different we would be now if God had not blessed our lives with the greatest father one could ever have.
Many times our father tells us that he is blessed to have us as his kids, but we are actually the ones that are truly better off because even though we do not always totally understand what he tells us to do or agree with all that he does for us, we will learn to appreciate his hard work, wisdom, and sacrifice as we get older. It takes time to truly be thankful for the love that one of the most important people in your life shows to you.
We would have a very strangely different world if God had not made good fathers because there is no one more .
important in a home than a father.
Fathers are important because they will help us do what is right and set guidelines that we have to obey so that when we grow up we will be young people that help others in the world and in appreciation of their love, we will always be there to help and love them back.

Why My Papa Is Important to Me
by Danae’ Whyte (12 years old)

My Papa, Daniel Whyte III, is indeed a very important figure in our home and I am for ever grateful to God for giving me a great father since many kids do not have one for so many reasons.
Papa loves us a lot and is the strong backbone of our family, the one whom we can trust and support. He prays with us a lot and teaches us from God’s Word. Fathers do have awesome ways to just hold everything together and their ever-inspiring influence empowers us, as their children, even though some may not fully appreciate this until they are grown and away from home.
God has given children fathers for lots of important reasons – some that only He understands. But we are forever indebted to them for their love!
“Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.” – Author Unknown
“The greatest gift I ever had Came from God; I call him Dad!” – Author Unknown

Why I Believe God Put Fathers in the Home .
by Daniqua Whyte (10 years old)

The reason why I believe God put fathers in the home is because children need fathers to care for them, love them, help them, and many more things that are important to children of all ages. It doesn’t matter how old you get, a father will always be there for you at all times and you will always be glad for that.
I am glad my Papa is in our home because he is an important figure, and raises, trains, and directs me in the right way. Fathers are here to direct their children in the path of the Lord.
Many children may have their dads in the military or in prison, but always appreciate him whenever he visits or whenever you visit him. God wants us to be thankful for dads, and I believe they are the best friends one could ever have.

3 Cheers for Papa!
Why I Love My Papa
by Danyel Ezekiel Whyte (7 years old)

I love having Papa in our house because he loves all his children and he is a good father. We have a good time together. My father is the best father in the world.
I looooooooove my Papa.
I Love Papa
by Danyelle Whyte (5 years old)

I love having my Papa in our home because I can show him my pictures, and he always says ‘that is pretty’ and he hangs them on his wall.

The Involved Father
by James Dobson, Ph.D.
Raising healthy, well-educated, self-disciplined children who love God and their fellow human beings is, I believe, the most challenging responsibility in living. Not even rocket science can approach it for complexity and unpredictability. And of course, the job is even more difficult today when the culture undermines and contradicts everything Christian parents are trying to accomplish at home. Fortunately, we are not asked to do everything perfectly as moms and dads. Our kids usually manage to survive our mistakes and failures and turn out better than we have any right to boast about.
I certainly made my share of mistakes as a father. Like millions of other men of my era, I often had a tough time balancing the pressure of my profession with the needs of my family. Not that I ever became an “absentee father,”
but I did struggle at times to be as accessible as I should have been.
As it happened, my first book, Dare to Discipline, was published the same week that our second child, Ryan, .
arrived. A baby always turns a house upside down, but the reaction to my book added to the turmoil. I was a fulltime professor at a medical school, and yet I was inundated by thousands of letters and requests of every sort.
There was no mechanism to handle this sudden notoriety. I remember flying to New York one Thursday night, doing seventeen television shows and press interviews in three days, and returning to work on Monday morning. It was nothing short of overwhelming.
My father, who always served as a beacon in dark times, saw what was happening to me and wrote a letter that was to change my life. First, he congratulated me on my success, but then he warned that all the success in the world would not compensate if I failed at home.
reminded me that the spiritual welfare of our children was my most important responsibility and that the only way to build their faith was to model it personally and then to stay on my knees in prayer. That couldn’t be done if I invested every resource in my profession. I have never forgotten that profound advice.
It eventually led to my resignation from the university and to the development of a ministry that permitted me to stay at home. I quit accepting speaking requests, started a radio program that required no travel, and refused to do “book tours” or accept other lengthy responsibilities that would take me away from my family.
As I look back on that era today, I am so grateful that I chose to preserve my relationship with my children. The .
closeness that we enjoy today can be traced to that decision to make time for them when they needed me most. I could easily have made the greatest mistake of my life at that time.
I’m sure many fathers will read this and find themselves today where I was back then. If you are one of them, I urge you to give priority to your family. Those kids around your feet will be grown and gone before you know it. Don’t let the opportunity of these days slip away from you. No professional accomplishment or success is worth that cost. When you stand where I am today, the relationship with those you love will outweigh every other good thing in your life.
Taken from the Complete Marriage and Family Home Guide.
Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson.

Do We Really Need Fathers?
Fathers are very important in every aspect of a child’s life, no matter what society may say. According to Stan Smith of Winging It:
The Bible considers fathers as having ultimate authority in all matters of the family. They are to teach their kids, discipline their kids, train their kids, nurture their kids.
Even if they aren’t the ones doing all this, they are the ones that God holds as responsible. If you were to put the question to the Bible, “Are fathers necessary?” the answer would be a loud, “YES!” Of course, many people don’t .
buy into the Bible’s arguments, so are there other reasons to suggest that fathers are necessary?
What is it like for kids who grow up without their fathers in their lives? The statistics in this area are staggering.
Kids (male and female) tend to engage in sexual activity at a much younger age. Insurance companies will tell you that children who live at home with their mothers and birth fathers have a much lower rate of illness or injury than those who don’t. Drug and alcohol use in kids without fathers is highly increased. Children without fathers have a much higher tendency toward suicide, psychological and emotional problems, and problems at school.
Contrary to what one might think, boys without fathers have a higher tendency to violent behavior. Without fathers there is greater likelihood of rape, criminal behavior, lack of achievement, divorce, and poverty. And there is much more:
– 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (Source: U.S. D.H.H.S., Bureau of the Census) – 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes
– 85% of all children that exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes (Source: Center for Disease Control)
– 80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger come from fatherless homes (Source: Criminal .
Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26, 1978) – 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes (Source: National Principals Association Report on the State of High Schools) – 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes (Source: Rainbows for all God’s Children)
– 70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions come from fatherless homes (Source: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Special Report, Sept 1988)
– 85% of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in a fatherless home (Source: Fulton Co. Georgia jail populations, Texas Dept. of Corrections 1992) – Children with involved, loving fathers are significantly more likely to do well in school, have healthy self-esteem, exhibit empathy and prosocial behavior, and avoid high-risk behaviors such as drug use, truancy, and criminal activity compared to children who have uninvolved fathers.
– Studies on parent-child relationships and child well-being show that father love is an important factor in predicting the social, emotional, and cognitive development and functioning of children .
and young adults.
– 24 million children (34 percent) live absent from their biological father.
– Nearly 20 million children (27 percent) live in single-parent homes. 43 percent of first marriages dissolve within fifteen years; about 60 percent of divorcing couples have children; and approximately one million children each year experience the divorce of their parents.
– Fathers who live with their children are more likely to have a close, enduring relationship with their children than those who do not.
– Compared to children born within marriage, children born to cohabiting parents are three times as likely to experience father absence, and children born to unmarried, non-cohabiting parents are four times as likely to live in a father-absent home.
– About 40 percent of children in father-absent homes have not seen their father at all during the past year; 26 percent of absent fathers live in a different state than their children; and 50 percent of children living absent from their father have never set foot in their father’s home.
– Children who live without their biological fathers are, on average, at least two to three times more .
likely to be poor, to use drugs, to experience educational, health, emotional and behavioral problems, to be victims of child abuse, and to engage in criminal behavior than their peers who live with their married, biological (or adoptive) parents.
– From 1995 to 2000, the proportion of children living in single-parent homes slightly declined, while the proportion of children living with two married parents remained stable.
Biblically, fathers are necessary. Statistically, fathers are necessary. And still the question gets asked, “Why are fathers necessary?”
It seems patently obvious, but one of the first things to consider in the question is the sharing of labor. No one could rationally question the fact that it’s easier for two people to take care of a child than it is for one. It’s a nobrainer. That, of course, simply calls for two people. Why does one of them have to be the father? Well, one of the arguments is that it is necessary for fathers to be around to teach boys how to be men. This seems like a given. Perhaps it is a silly illustration, but when you ask, “What can men do that women can’t?”, one of the answers is “Men can throw a ball like a man.” Who teaches that boy to throw a ball like a boy instead of like a girl? Not a woman.
This principle carries over into all facets of life. But, while it is accurate to say that fathers teach boys to be men, it is .
incomplete. It also takes mothers to teach boys how to be men. It takes mothers to teach girls how to be women and it takes fathers to teach girls how to be women. Fathers teach their sons on issues of manliness, but mothers teach their sons on issues of relating to women. Fathers “ruggedize” their sons while mothers “civilize” them.
Both are necessary. Conversely, mothers teach their daughters to be ladies, but fathers teach them how to relate to men. It is a common perception that women tend to marry men like their fathers. Kids need both parents.
Here’s the bottom line. A home comprised of father and mother is better than a home with a single parent (or even a home with a parent and step-parent). I think you’ll find that the first ones to agree with my bottom-line statement are single mothers. Most aren’t single mothers because they think it’s best. Most are single mothers because they either had no alternative (he died or left) or felt they had no alternative. The failure of some men to be fathers is not relevant to the discussion. It is always the case that a home comprised of a good father and a good mother is always better than a home with a good single parent.

Children need both parents.
By Stan Smith
Winging It
Part Three
Famous Statements About Fathers
The greatest gift I ever had
Came from God; I call him Dad!
Any man can be a Father but it takes someone special to be a dad.
-Anne Geddes
Dad, you have always been there for me. You have never judged me, you have never said: “I told you so.” You have always supported me in everything I have ever done, even when perhaps you did not understand. I am proud that my Dad has always approached life as though the glass is .
half full, rather than half empty and I have learned from that. Dad, you have always had faith in me when perhaps I have lost my own faith in myself and I know that there is nothing that my Dad would not do for me. You are my hero and I love you, Dad.
It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was. -Anne Sexton
Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. -Author Unknown
And my dad, you’re a great actor
but you’re a better father. -Angelina Jolie In bringing up children, spend on them half as much money and twice as much time. -Author Unknown I’ve had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get me to where I started. -Bartrand Hubbard A good father is one of the most unsung, un-praised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society. -Billy Graham
My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. -Clarence Budington Kelland Three boys is difficult at times, but there’s nothing that gives you that feeling of coming home and seeing the .
kids and spending time with them. Nothing better in the world than that. -David Beckham
We never know the love of our parents for us until we become parents. -George Herbert
One father is worth more than a hundred schoolmasters.
-Henry Ward Beecher
I have never been a material girl. My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love you back.
-Imelda Marcos
My father always told me, ‘Find a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’ -Jim Fox My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. -Jim Valvano When I was a kid, my father told me every day, ‘You’re the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.’
-Jan Hutchins
And my dad, you’re a great actor but you’re a better father. -Angelina Jolie
In bringing up children, spend on them half as much money and twice as much time. -Author Unknown I’ve had a hard life, but my hardships are nothing against the hardships that my father went through in order to get .
me to where I started. -Bartrand Hubbard A good father is one of the most unsung, un-praised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society. -Billy Graham
My father didn’t tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. -Clarence Budington Kelland Three boys is difficult at times, but there’s nothing that gives you that feeling of coming home and seeing the kids and spending time with them. Nothing better in the world than that. -David Beckham
We never know the love of our parents for us until we become parents. -George Herbert
One father is worth more than a hundred schoolmasters.
-Henry Ward Beecher
I have never been a material girl. My father always told me never to love anything that cannot love you back.
-Imelda Marcos
My father always told me, ‘Find a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.’ -Jim Fox My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. -Jim Valvano When I was a kid, my father told me every day, ‘You’re the most wonderful boy in the world, and you can do anything you want to.’ -Jan Hutchins
My father is my guide, my companion, my mentor, my supporter, my defender, but always most of all my closest and surest friend. . . .We would sometimes squabble over trivialities, but always knowing in our hearts that nothing could ever change how we felt about each other and, in my case, that here was the rock that I could always turn to. -Jack Nicklaus
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. -Johann Schiller
Until you have a son of your own … you will never know the joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son. You will never know the sense of honor that makes a man want to be more than he is and to pass something good and hopeful into the hands of his son. -Kent Nerburn
Father taught us that opportunity and responsibility go hand in hand. I think we all act on that principle; on the basic human impulse that makes a man want to make the best of what’s in him and what’s been given him. -Laurence Rockefeller
Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father. -Lydia M. Child
I talk and talk and talk, and I haven’t taught people in fifty years what my father taught by example in one week.
-Mario Cuomo
I watched a small man with thick calluses on both hands work fifteen and sixteen hours a day. I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet, a man who came here uneducated, alone, unable to speak the language, who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example. -Mario Cuomo
When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in
seven years. -Mark Twain
My father was very strong. I don’t agree with a lot of the ways he brought me up. I don’t agree with a lot of his values, but he did have a lot of integrity, and if he told us not to do something, he didn’t do it either. -Selected Safe, for a child, is his father’s hand, holding him tight.
-Marion C. Garretty
You know my father as governor, as president, but I knew him as dad. I was so proud to have the Reagan name and to be Ronald Reagan’s son. -Michael Reagan My dad was a man of great honor, he was a charismatic leader. -Norman Schwarzkopf
My father was always getting excited about something.
It’s genetically inside me somewhere. -Nicolas Cage .
. . . . my dad is my hero. I’m never free of a problem nor do I truly experience a joy until we share it. I need him to know when I am hurting. I need him to know when I’m happy. -Nancy Sinatra
Dad: a son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love. -Proverb None of you can ever be proud enough of being the child of such a Father who has not his equal in this world – so great, so good, so faultless. Try, all of you, to follow in his footsteps and don’t be discouraged, for to be really in everything like him none of you, I am sure, will ever be.
Try, therefore, to be like him in some points, and you will have acquired a great deal. -Queen Victoria of England It’s a wonderful feeling when your father becomes not a god but a man to you – when he comes down from the mountain and you see he’s this man with weaknesses.
And you love him as this whole being, not as a figurehead. -Robin Williams
You know you’re a dad when you say things like … “As long as you live under my roof, you’ll live by my rules.”
You know you’re a dad when you say things like … “I’m not just talking to hear my own voice!” You know you’re a dad when you say things like … “If your friend jumped off a bridge, would you?” You know you’re a dad when you say things like … “In my day…” -Selected The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get. -Tim .
Take more pleasure in giving what is best to another than in having it yourself, and then all the world will love you, and I more than all the world. -Thomas Jefferson My dad has always taught me these words: care and share. That’s why we put on clinics. The only thing I can do is try to give back. -Tiger Woods
“Being a Father” is something mythical and infinitely important: a protector, who would keep a lid on all the chaotic and catastrophic possibilities of life. -Tom Wolfe Fathers are angels sent from heaven. -Unknown Father! – to God himself we cannot give a holier name.
–William Wordsworth
Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that’s why I call you dad, because you are so special to me. You taught me the game and you taught me how to play it right. -Wade Boggs
Bible Verses on Fathers
Psalm 103:13
Like as a father pitieth his children, so the LORD pitieth them that fear him.
Proverbs 3:11-12
My son, despise not the chastening of the LORD; neither be weary of his correction: For whom the LORD loveth he correcteth; even as a father the son in whom he delighteth.
Proverbs 10:1
The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish son is the heaviness of his mother.
Proverbs 23:24
The father of the righteous shall greatly rejoice: and he that begetteth a wise child shall have joy of him.
Matthew 19:19
Honour thy father and thy mother…
Hebrews 12:7
If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
Write a Letter to Your Father
The true meaning of writing a letter to your father is not to do it because he expects you to, instead your writing should really come from your heart. Write out what you .
want to tell him, things that are happening in your personal life and school life and even things that you would want to do together with him. Your writing should not become repetitive, where you write the same things in every letter over and over, and a letter that really comes from you should not seek to be read right away. A father may take it and read it at his leisure, which is really when it can have a great effect or blessing. Even when you are an adult and may be away from home, writing a letter back to your father will still let him know that you love him and that you care.
Your letters, if they are true and sincere, do mean a lot, especially when they tell how you are getting along in life and how you are growing, your plans for the future, etc.
Thankfully, our father has always been with us. However, this is especially a great way for children whose fathers may be in the military or in prison or who simply just may not be in their lives. We should always remember that all of our fathers are important and we should honor them each and every day of our lives no matter how far apart we are.

http://www.fatherhood.go Books
Better Dads, Stronger Sons: How Fathers Can Guide Boys to Become Men of Character, by Rick Johnson
Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know, by Meg Meeker M.D.
Big Russ & Me: Father and Son–Lessons of Life, by Tim Russert
Wisdom of Our Fathers: Lessons and Letters from Daughters and Sons, by Tim Russert
What a Daughter Needs From Her Dad: How a Man Prepares His Daughter for Life, by Michael Farris
Bringing Up Boys, by James C. Dobson
Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, by Kyle Pruett God Has Smiled on Me: A Tribute to a Black Father Who Stayed and to All Black Fathers Who Stay, by Daniel Whyte III
King Me: What Every Son Wants and Needs from His Father, by Steve Farrar
She Calls Me Daddy, by Robert Wolgemuth Championship Fathering: How to Win at Being a Dad, by Carey Casey
The Father Connection: How You Can Make the Difference in Your Child’s Self-Esteem and Sense of Purpose, by Josh McDowell
Raising a Modern-Day Knight: A Father’s Role in Guiding His Son to Authentic Manhood, by Robert Lewis
They Call Me Dad, by Ken Canfield
Father to Daughter: Life Lessons on Raising a Girl, by Harry H. Harrison Jr.
Father to Son: Life Lessons on Raising a Boy, by Harry H. Harrison Jr.
The Fatherhood Principle: Priority, Position, and the Role of the Male, by Myles Munroe Chicken Soup for the Father and Son Soul: Celebrating the Bond That Connects Generations, by Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen
Dads and Daughters: How to Inspire, Understand, and Support Your Daughter When She’s Growing Up So Fast, by Joe Kelly
Daughters and Dads: Building a Lasting Relationship, by Chap Clark
What a Difference a Daddy Makes: The Indelible Imprint a Dad Leaves on His Daughter’s Life, by Dr. Kevin Leman
From Father to Son: Showing Your Boy How to Walk with Christ, by Chap Clark
Stories for a Dad’s Heart, by Alice Gray Letters From Dad: How to Leave a Legacy of Faith, Hope, and Love for Your Family, by Greg Vaughn Successfully Raising Young Black Men, by Kevin D. Barnes, Sr.
Meet the Heavenly Father
The greatest gift that the Heavenly Father has given us is the gift of salvation. If you are reading this book and do .
not know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and would like to invite Him into your heart to be your Heavenly Father, please read the following: 1. You need to understand that you are a sinner.
The Bible says in Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Everyone in this world has sinned. You are not perfect, neither am I.
2. You need to understand that everyone who dies without Christ will suffer punishment in Hell because of our sins. The Bible states in Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin is death…” The penalty for our sins is spiritual and physical death in a place called Hell. Hell is a place of eternal pain and suffering and God does not want us to have to go through that forever.
3. You need to understand that Jesus is the only Somebody who can save you. The Bible says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Notice what the Bible says in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Some two-thousand years ago, God sent His Son, Jesus .
Christ, down to earth to die, to be buried, and to rise from the dead for the sins of this entire world.
The Bible tells us also in Romans 10:13: “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” If you believe the facts that were laid out above, and you want to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, please pray the following prayer:
Lord Jesus, I realize that I am a sinner in need of a Saviour. I thank You for coming down to earth to die for my sins. I now believe that You are “the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” I believe that You died, were buried, and rose by the power of God. I ask You to come into my heart, save my soul and change my life forever. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
Congratulations on letting the Lord Jesus become the center of your life. Now with prayer and obedience to God’s Word, you can develop good relationships with the people God has placed in your life.

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