Are you at the point in your business where you think it’s time to hire an HR manager? That’s a good thing! Needing to hire an HR manager is a sign that your business is flourishing, and as the business grows, so should your team.

An HR manager is one of those key players on your team who will help you hire the right people for each position and help keep staff retention at an all-time high. 

The first step in doing this, of course, is hiring a good one. But how do you go about doing that? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at exactly what human resource managers do and how to hire the right one for your business. 

What is human resource management?

What is one of the most essential resources that businesses need to grow? It’s people! People are considered an incredibly valuable resource when it comes to business; and so human resource management is equally as valuable. 

Human resource management pertains to the process of managing people within a business, namely, the employees. 

HR is a department solely responsible for looking after the interests of the employees and, as such, the business. The way an HR department performs is key to maintaining employee satisfaction, retention, and development. 

As a result, they play a vital role in creating a healthy work environment for employees by cultivating teamwork and positive work culture and by incentivising employees to work harder. 

What do human resource managers do?

We briefly touched on aspects of what HR managers do above, but what does their day-to-day job look like, and what are their responsibilities? 

In a nutshell, HR managers are responsible for managing the HR department and everything that comes with it. That includes:

  • Sitting in on company meetings with management
  • Creating recruiting and hiring methods
  • Facilitating employee training and development programs
  • Ensuring staff are compliant with company regulations
  • Encouraging and receiving employee feedback
  • Managing employee disputes
  • Creating incentives for employees to perform
  • Overseeing the HR budget
  • Planning company gatherings. 

When is it time to hire an HR Manager?

There are many benefits to having an HR manager on board, but there are three big signs that will indicate that it’s time to hire one. 

1. You realise you need some help

As soon as you start to notice any issues within the management of your company or you have a high employee turnover, this should be a telltale sign that you need to hire an HR manager. A high employee turnover rate translates to delays in productivity in every sense of the word. An HR manager will be able to investigate and optimise the environment to help ensure your employees are happy and productive.

2. You are spending more time on HR issues than you should

Your job as a business owner is to run your business. You can’t do that if you’re too busy with tracking wages, sorting out leave and handling disputes. As soon as you find yourself spending more time on HR issues and it constantly feels like they’re hanging over your head, don’t waste your time, but hire an HR manager as soon as you can.

3. You need to be legally compliant 

The most important reason to hire an HR manager is to ensure that your business is up to scratch from a legal perspective. HR managers will have graduated with an extensive knowledge of HR law and everything surrounding leave, wages and workplace discrimination, to name a few.  

What to look for in a professional HR manager?

HR managers are essentially the leaders of their departments. They’re going to be helping you add key employees to your team and helping retain them, so ideally, they’d need to have some standout leadership skills. Here are some things that you need to look out for when hiring an HR manager: 

The right qualifications

A non-negotiable for hiring an HR manager is that they need to have the right qualifications behind their name. Candidates who hold a masters in human resource managment are going to be the most ideal for the position.

They need to meet your needs

Before you can find the right HR manager for your business, you first need to determine your needs for an HR manager. If you want to grow fast and strategically, you’ll need to find a professional with a lot of experience in the field. 

However, if you’re just needing someone to handle the day-to-day tasks, your demands for the role won’t require someone with as much experience. 

They need excellent organisational skills

Your HR manager will be responsible for the whole department, so their organisational skills need to be top-tier. Their day-to-day may be filled with sorting through data, preparing for events, and meeting with employees – all of which demand excellent organisational skills.

They need to communicate effectively

In any management position, good communication is essential. As the manager, they will be responsible for overseeing a team of HR employees. An HR manager who is unable to communicate tasks effectively or set a vision might steer your team in the wrong direction. 

They need effective problem-solving skills

Finally, good HR managers need to have sharp critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Having the ability to think critically means that they can analyse a situation and the possible outcomes, and implement the one they think is best. The HR manager will constantly have to help solve problems, so they need to be able to use problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to help them resolve the issue.

HR management involves dealing with a company’s employees, who are considered valuable resources. Their role is to facilitate employee development, recruitment, and retention by using methods like employee training, creating incentives to drive employee performance, and promoting a positive work culture to ensure staff retention. Basically, their role is to look after the interests of the staff to ensure the business can grow and flourish. Find the right HR manager for your team, and you can watch your business flourish!

The post The Secret to Hiring an HR Manager Who Will Elevate Your Business appeared first on Addicted 2 Success.

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