Pastor Kerlande Racine and His New Wife, Marcelline Racine, Were Killed After One Week of Marriage by the Wife’s Former Husband, Sony Josaphat. Daniel Whyte III has been warning pastors and men down through the years that the Bible says, “JEALOUSY IS THE RAGE OF A MAN,” not only for his wife or former wife but for the children he had with his wife. Pastors, especially, and men are very unwise and foolish-acting to get involved with a woman who has been separated or divorced from her husband, especially if they have children. Whyte says this tragedy happens across the nation and around the globe every day.

Pastor Kerlande Racine and His New Wife, Marcelline Racine, Were Killed After One Week of Marriage by the Wife’s Former Husband, Sony Josaphat. Daniel Whyte III has been warning pastors…

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