Day 298: The Gift of Life (2023)
Fr. Mike gives us context for the beginning of 2 Maccabees and recounts the story of Nehemiah’s discovery of the sacred fire. He also offers a reflection for those struggling…
WATCH: BREAKING WORLD WAR III NEWS: Some Believe CHINA and RUSSIA Want to Take Advantage of the Worse Attack on the ISRAELITE PEOPLE Since the HOLOCAUST, Which Has Caused the Horrifying Crisis in the Middle East, to Gain the Advantage Over the U.S. and the West.
WATCH: BREAKING WORLD WAR III NEWS: Some Believe CHINA and RUSSIA Want to Take Advantage of the Worse Attack on the ISRAELITE PEOPLE Since the HOLOCAUST, Which Has Caused the…
CCM PREMIERE: Attaboy Releases Music Video For New Single ‘Golden’
Leading school assemblies followed by evening, full-production concerts coast-to-coast, Indiana-based pop/rock band Attaboy is premiering their new music video for the danceable pop track “Golden' exclusively with CCM Magazine. The…
Israel-Hamas War: U.N. Secretary General Calls for Cease-Fire as Israel Intensifies Airstrikes
The secretary general, António Guterres, said the massacres of Israelis by Hamas did not justify the “collective punishment” of civilians in Gaza, drawing a sharp rebuke from Israel.
George Washington University students project pro-Palestinian activism on school library
Students at George Washington University attended a pro-Palestinian rally on Tuesday evening and projected signs on the school's library that read, "Glory to Our Martyrs."
Muslim parents say LAUSD ‘pro-Israel’ statement made their kids targets
LAUSD Supt. Carvalho sent a letter affirming schools as safe and inclusive spaces after Muslim parents expressed concerns that their children had become targets.
For the first launch of ULA’s Vulcan rocket, it’s Christmas or next year
Astrobotic's lunar lander ships to Florida later this week for final launch preps.
Mark Meadows Granted Immunity In DOJ Case Against Trump: Reports
The former Trump chief of staff reportedly said he warned his boss ahead of the 2020 election that allegations of voter fraud were unsubstantiated.
These Lifetime Subscriptions to Dollar Flight Club Are Deeply Discounted Right Now
Dollar Flight Club has a dedicated team that unearths deals on flights, mistake fares, and other opportunities to help members discover the best options for upcoming trips or impromptu vacations.…