Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, tells Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has lost his Joshua MoJo, that the old man, President Joe Biden, who has helped create this tragic situation, has risen to the occasion in the aftermath to the point that conservative Brett Hume of FOX News says tonight’s speech was the best of his presidency. Whyte says to Prime Minister Netanyahu, however, he cannot follow and listen to President Biden. He has to listen to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and before he crosses over into Gaza to fight the so-called ground war, he needs to call all of the Christian friends of Israel and all of the leading conservative rabbis and the people of Israel for a solemn assembly of prayer and fasting because Hamas, Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea have more tricks up their sleeves for you in Gaza, and many Israelite soldiers will die if you go in there without God. You people know better than that. So call on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and your brother according to the flesh, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. Whyte says if that offends you, then tough. Don’t follow and listen to Biden, and don’t follow politics and what the world thinks. The old Benjamin Netanyahu needs to rise to the occasion and get done for God, Israel, and the world what you know needs to be done. The leaders of the Philistines, which is now Hamas, must be destroyed from the face of the earth post haste. Fast, Pray, and go to war! And do not let any more supplies into Gaza from anywhere. PERIOD FULLSTOP. ‘We cannot and will not let terrorists like Hamas and tyrants like Putin win’: Biden delivers Oval Office address where he connects conflicts in Israel and Ukraine and asks Congress for $100B to fund war effort

Daniel Whyte III, President of Gospel Light Society International, tells Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who has lost his Joshua MoJo, that the old man, President Joe Biden, who has helped…

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